The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 142

Of contemplation to David; in his being in the cave praying.

142:1I cried out with my voice to the lord; I beseeched with my voice to the lord.

142:2I shall pour out my supplication before him; I shall report my affliction before him.

142:3In my spirit failing from me, then you knew my paths; in this very way that I went, they hid a snare for me.

142:4I contemplated to the right, and I looked; for there was not one recognizing me. Flight perished from me, and there is not one inquiring after my soul.

142:5I cried out to you, O lord. I said, You are my hope, you are my portion in the land of the living.

142:6Take heed to my supplication! for I was humbled exceedingly. Rescue me from the ones pursuing me! for they were strengthened above me.

142:7Lead my soul out of prison! to make acknowledgment to your name. The just shall wait for me, until of which time you should recompense me.