The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 141

A psalm to David.

141:1O lord, I cried out to you. Listen to me! Take heed to the voice of my supplication in my crying to you!

141:2May my prayer be straightened as incense before you; the raising of my hands as a sacrifice at evening.

141:3Set, O lord, a watch for my mouth, and a citadel door for my lips!

141:4You should not turn aside my heart to words of wickedness, to make excuses for sins with men working lawlessness; and in no way shall I associate myself with their choice ones.

141:5The just shall correct me with mercy, and reprove me; but the oil of the sinner, let it not anoint my head! For still yet shall my prayer be against their good-pleasures.

141:6Their judges were swallowed down next to the rock. They shall hear my sayings, for they are a delight.

141:7As thick ground was broken asunder upon the earth, his bones were dispersed by Hades.

141:8For unto you, O lord, O Lord, are my eyes. Upon you I hoped; you should not take away my soul in return.

141:9Keep me from a snare which they concocted against me! and from obstacles of the ones working lawlessness.

141:10Sinners shall fall in their own casting-net. I am alone until whenever I should pass away.