The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 145

A praise to David.

145:1I will exalt you, O my God, my king; and I will bless your name into the eon, and into the eon of the eon.

145:2According to each day I will bless you; and I will praise your name into the eon, and into the eon of the eon.

145:3Great is the lord, and praiseworthy exceedingly, and of his greatness there is no end.

145:4Generation and generation shall praise your works, and they will report of your power.

145:5The majesty of the glory of your holiness they shall speak, and your wonders they will describe.

145:6And the power of your fearful acts they shall speak, and they will describe your greatness.

145:7The remembrance of the multitude of your graciousness they shall discharge forth, and they will exult your righteousness.

145:8Pitying and merciful is the lord; lenient and full of mercy.

145:9Gracious is the lord in all things, and his compassions are upon all his works.

145:10Let all of your works make acknowledgment to you O lord, and let your sacred ones bless you!

145:11The glory of your kingdom they shall speak, and they shall tell of your dominion;

145:12to make known to the sons of men of your dominion, and the glory of the majesty of your kingdom.

145:13Your kingdom is a kingdom of all the eons; and your mastery is in every generation and generation. Trustworthy is the lord in all his words, and sacred in all his works.

145:14The lord supports all the ones falling down, and he re-erects all the ones being broken down.

145:15The eyes of all hope in you; and you give them nourishment at an opportune time.

145:16You opened your hand, and filled up every living creature of benevolence.

145:17The lord is just in all his ways, and sacred in all his works.

145:18The lord is near to all the ones calling upon him; all the ones calling upon him in truth.

145:19He will do the will of the ones fearing him; and their supplication he shall listen to, and he shall deliver them.

145:20The lord guards all the ones loving him, and all the sinners he shall utterly destroy.

145:21My mouth shall speak to praise the lord. And let all flesh bless his holy name into the eon, and into the eon of the eon!