The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Jonah 4

4:1And Jonah was grieved with great distress, and was confounded.

4:2And he prayed to the lord, and he said, O lord, Were not these my words still being in my land? Because of this I thought beforehand to flee unto Tarshish. Because I knew that you are merciful and pitying, lenient and full of mercy, and one to change his mind over the evils.

4:3And now, master, O lord, take my soul from me, for it is good for me to die than live!

4:4And the lord said, Are you exceedingly grieved?

4:5And Jonah went forth from out of the city, and he sat before the city, and he made for himself there a tent, and he sat down underneath it, unto of which he could look over what will be of the city.

4:6And the lord God assigned a gourd, and it ascended above the head of Jonah, to be shading up above his head, to shade him from his hurts. And Jonah rejoiced over the gourd with great joy.

4:7And God assigned a worm for early morning the next day, and it struck the gourd, and it was dried up.

4:8And it came to pass at the same time as the rising of the sun, and God assigned a burning wind to burn; and the sun struck upon the head of Jonah, and he became faint-hearted, and resigned of his life, and said, Better for me to die than live.

4:9And God said to Jonah, Are you exceedingly grieved over the gourd? And he said, I am exceedingly grieved unto death.

4:10And the lord said, You indeed spared for the gourd, for which you suffered no hardship over it, nor nourished it; which came up during the night, and perished during the night.

4:11But I, shall I not spare for Nineveh the great city, in which dwells in it more than twelve myriads of men, who do not know their right hand or their left, and much cattle?