The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Esther 3

3:1After these things king Artaxerxes extolled Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, and exalted him, and seated him first above all his friends.

3:2And all the ones in the courtyard did obeisance to him, for so the king assigned it to do. But Mordecai did not do obeisance to him.

3:3And the ones in the courtyard of the king said to Mordecai, O Mordecai, why do you disregard the things being said by the king?

3:4Accordingly each day they spoke to him, and he did not hearken to them; and they indicated to Haman that Mordecai was rebelling against the words of the king; and Mordecai indicated to them that he is a Jew.

3:5And Haman, realizing that Mordecai did not do obeisance to him, was enraged exceedingly.

3:6And he took counsel to remove all the Jews under the kingdom of Artaxerxes.

3:7And he made a referendum in the twelfth year of the kingdom of Artaxerxes. And he cast lots day by day, and month by month, so as to destroy in one day the race of Mordecai. And the lot fell on the fourteenth of the month, which is Adar.

3:8And he spoke to king Artaxerxes, saying, There exists a nation having been disseminated among the nations in all your kingdom, but their laws are special from all the nations; and of the laws of the king they disregard, and it is not advantageous to the king to allow them.

3:9If it seems good to the king, let him decree to destroy them, and I will circumscribe for the treasury of the king ten thousand talents of silver.

3:10And the king removing the ring, gave it into the hands of Haman, to set a seal on the things being written against the Jews.

3:11And the king said to Haman, As for the silver, you have it! and for the nation, you treat it as you want!

3:12And the scribes were called by the king in the first month, the thirteenth day, and they wrote as Haman gave orders to the commandants, and to the rulers in every place from India unto Ethiopia, to a hundred twenty-seven places, to the rulers of the nations according to their form of speech, through Artaxerxes the king.

3:13And it was sent by couriers unto the kingdom of Artaxerxes, to remove the race of the Jews on day one of the twelfth month, which is Adar, and to plunder their possessions.

3:14And the copies of the letters were displayed in each place. And it was assigned to all to be prepared for that day.

3:15And the thing was hastened, even in Shushan. And the king and Haman toasted, but the city was disturbed.