The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Esther 2

2:1And after these matters the king's rage was abated, and no longer was Vashti mentioned, remembering as much as she spoke, and how he condemned her.

2:2And the servants of the king said, Let there be sought to the king young women uncorrupted, beautiful in appearance!

2:3And the king shall place magistrates in all the places of his kingdom, and let them choose young women, virgins, beautiful in appearance to be brought to Shushan the city, into the chamber of the women! And let them be delivered to the eunuch of the king, the keeper of the women! And let there be given to them a beauty treatment, and the remaining care!

2:4And the woman who ever should be pleasing to the king shall reign instead of Vashti. And the thing pleased the king, and he did so.

2:5And there was a man, a Jew, in Shushan the city. And his name was Mordecai, the son of Jair, the son of Shimei, the son of Kish, of the tribe of Benjamin;

2:6who was a captive from Jerusalem, which Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon captured.

2:7And there was to this man a child that he brought up, the daughter of the brother of his father, and her name was Esther. And at the changeover of her parents, he instructed her to himself for a woman. And the young woman was good in appearance.

2:8And when the king's order was heard, many young women were gathered together in Shushan the city, by the hand of Hegai; and Esther was led to Hegai the keeper of the women.

2:9And the young woman pleased him, and she found favor before him. And he hastened to give her the beauty treatment, and her portion, and the seven young women being exhibited to her from the royal palace. And he treated her well, and her handmaidens in the chamber of the women.

2:10But Esther did not plainly show her race, nor her fatherland. For Mordecai gave charge to her not to report it.

2:11And each day Mordecai walked by the feminine courtyard, overseeing what would come to pass with Esther.

2:12For this was the time for a young woman to enter to the king, whenever she should have fulfilled twelve months, for thus are fulfilled the days of the treatment, six months with the aromatics and with the beauty treatments for the women,

2:13and six months being anointed with myrrh oil, and then she enters to the king. And to whom ever he should tell, he delivers her to enter together with him, from the chamber of the women unto the palaces.

2:14In the evening she enters, and by day she runs to the second chamber of the women, where Hegai the eunuch of the king the keeper of the women is. And no longer does she enter to the king if she should not be called by name.

2:15And in the fulfilling the time, Esther the daughter of Abihail, brother of the father of Mordecai, entered to the king. Not one thing she disregarded which the eunuch keeper of the women gave charge to her. For Esther was found in favor by all the ones seeing her.

2:16And Esther entered to Artaxerxes the king in the tenth month, which is Tebeth, in the seventh year of his kingship.

2:17And the king loved Esther passionately, and she found favor above all the virgins; and he placed upon her the feminine diadem.

2:18And the king made a banquet for all his friends, and the powerful ones, for seven days. And he exalted the wedding feasts of Esther; and he made a release to the ones under his kingdom.

2:19But Mordecai attended to affairs in the courtyard.

2:20Now Esther did not plainly tell of her fatherland, for thus Mordecai gave charge to her, to fear God, and to observe his orders, as she was with him. And Esther did not change her conduct.

2:21And the two eunuchs of the king fretted, and the chiefs of the body guards, for Mordecai advanced. And they sought to kill Artaxerxes the king.

2:22And the matter was made manifest to Mordecai, and he signaled it to Esther, and she revealed to the king the things of the plot.

2:23And the king examined the two eunuchs, and he hanged them. And the king gave order to write for a memorial in the royal library about the good-will of Mordecai with commendation.