The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 28

A psalm to David.

28:1To you, O lord, I shall cry out. My God, do not remain silent from me! lest at any time you should remain silent, and I shall be likened to the ones going down into the pit.

28:2Hear, O lord, the voice of my supplication! in my beseeching to you, in my lifting my hands towards your holy temple.

28:3Do not draw me together with sinners! And do not destroy me together with ones working injustice! of the ones speaking peace with their neighbors, but evils are in their hearts.

28:4Give to them, O lord, according to their works, and according to the wickedness of their practices! Give to them according to the works of their hands! Render their recompense unto them!

28:5For they perceived not unto the works of the lord, even unto the works of his hands. You shall demolish them, and in no way build them up.

28:6Blessed be the lord, for he heard the voice of my supplication.

28:7The lord is my helper and my defender; upon him my heart hoped, and I was helped; and my flesh flourished again, and by my will I will make acknowledgment to him.

28:8The lord is the fortification of his people, and he is the defender of the deliverances of his anointed one.

28:9Deliver your people, and bless your inheritance, and tend them, and lift them up unto the eon!