The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 14

14:1For a mortal born of a woman is short-lived and full of wrath.

14:2Or as the flower blooming he falls off; and he runs away as a shadow, and in no way stands.

14:3Have you not also made an account of this one, and made this one to enter before you in judgment?

14:4For who will be clean from filth? but no one;

14:5if even his existence be one day upon the earth, and his months are counted by you. You appointed him for a time, and in no way shall he pass beyond.

14:6Separate from him! that he should be still, and he shall think well of the existence as the hireling.

14:7For there is hope for a tree; for if it should be cut down, still it will bloom again, and its tender branch in no way shall fail;

14:8for if its root should grow old in the earth, and its trunk should come to an end in the rock;

14:9from the scent of water it shall bloom, and shall produce a harvest as if newly planted.

14:10But a man coming to an end is undone; and a mortal falling is no longer.

14:11For in time a sea is depleted, and a river being made desolate is dried up.

14:12But man going to sleep shall certainly not rise up, until whenever the heaven in no way shall be sewn together, and they shall not wake up from their sleep.

14:13For ought in Hades you guarded me, and hid me until whenever your anger should cease; and should have ordered for me a time in which you shall make mention of me.

14:14For if a man should die, shall he live again having completed the days of his existence? I shall wait until I should exist again.

14:15Then you shall call, and I will hearken to you; but the works of your hands do not undo.

14:16But you counted my practices, and in no way shall there go by you even one of my sins.

14:17And you set a seal upon my lawless deeds in a bag, and marked if in anything I violated unwillingly.

14:18And moreover a mountain falling shall fall into ruin, and a rock shall be worn old from out of its place.

14:19Waters ground stones smooth, and waters flooded the steeps of the embankment of the earth; and you destroyed the endurance of man.

14:20You thrust him through unto the end, and he is undone; you set your face against him, and send him out.

14:21And though there are many of his sons being born, he knows it not; if also they become few, he knows not.

14:22But his flesh aches, and his soul mourns.