The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 15

15:1And undertaking, Eliphaz the Temanite says,

15:2Is it that a wise man will give an answer of an understanding spirit, and filled up the misery of the womb,

15:3reproving in sayings with words in which must not be spoken, in which no one benefits?

15:4And did you not undo fear, and complete such sayings before the lord?

15:5You are liable by the sayings of your mouth, of which you litigated sayings of mighty ones.

15:6May your mouth reprove you, and not I. And your lips, may they bear witness against you.

15:7For what, are you the first man born? or were you banked up before the hills?

15:8have you heard the arranged order of the lord? and unto you wisdom arrived?

15:9For what do you know, which we do not know? or what do you perceive, which we do not also?

15:10And indeed an elder, and indeed an old one is among us, more weighty than your father, in days.

15:11You have been whipped but little for your sins, but greatly above measure have you spoken.

15:12What did your heart dare? or what have your eyes added to see,

15:13that your rage tore before the lord, and such sayings led forth from out of your mouth?

15:14For who, being a mortal, still will be blameless? or who is born of a woman as being just?

15:15forasmuch as he trusts not the holy ones, and the heaven is not pure before him.

15:16Alas then, man is abhorrent and unclean, drinking iniquity equal to a beverage.

15:17But I will report to you, hear me! What indeed I have seen, I will report to you --

15:18what the wise men shall say, and what was not hidden from their fathers.

15:19To them alone the earth was given, and no foreigner came upon them.

15:20All the existence of the impious is spent in bewilderment; and the years being given to the mighty one are counted,

15:21and his fear is in his ears. Whenever the impious should seem already at peace, his undoing shall come.

15:22Let him not trust to return from darkness, for he has been given charge already unto the hands of iron.

15:23And he has been delegated for the grain of vultures, and he knows in himself that he waits for being a corpse; and a dark day shall whirl him away.

15:24And distress and affliction shall hold him down. His falling down is as a commandant of the front rank.

15:25For he has lifted hands against the lord, and before the almighty he stiffened his neck.

15:26And he ran against his insolence with the thickness of the back of his shield.

15:27For he covered his face with his fat, and made a cleft upon the thighs.

15:28And may he be lodged in desolate cities, and enter uninhabited houses; and what these prepared, others shall carry away.

15:29Nor shall he be enriched, nor shall his possessions remain; in no way shall he cast a shadow upon the earth.

15:30Neither shall he flee from the darkness; may wind wither his bud, and may his flower fall off.

15:31Let him not trust that he will remain behind, for emptiness shall result to him.

15:32His pruning shall be corrupted before its season, and his tender branch in no way shall become dense.

15:33And may he be gathered as an unripe grape before its season; and may he fall off as the flower of the olive.

15:34For death is the testimony of an impious man, and fire shall burn the houses of the ones taking bribes.

15:35And he shall conceive griefs in the womb, and there shall result unto him emptiness, and his belly shall endure deceit.