The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Proverbs 13

13:1An astute son is subject to his father; but an unhearing son goes unto destruction.

13:2From fruits of righteousness the good shall eat; but the lives of lawbreakers will be destroyed unseasonably.

13:3The one who guards his own mouth gives heed to his own soul; but the one with precipitous lips shall terrify himself.

13:4Every idle man is with desire; but the hands of the vigorous are caring.

13:5The just detest an unjust word; but the impious man is ashamed, and shall not have an open manner.

13:6Righteousness guards the guileless in the way; but the vile impious ones produce sin.

13:7There are the ones enriching themselves, having nothing; and there are the ones abasing themselves with many riches.

13:8A man's own riches is the ransom of his life; but the poor does not stand at intimidation.

13:9Light to the just is always; light for the impious is extinguished.

13:10An evil man practices evil with insult; but the wise are arbitrating themselves.

13:11Substance being hastily obtained with lawlessness becomes less; but the one gathering for himself with piety shall be multiplied. The just pities and lends.

13:12Better is the one commencing help in heart, than the one promising, and leads another to hope; for a good desire is a tree of life.

13:13The one who disdains a matter, shall be disdained by it; but the one fearing a commandment, this one is in health. To a deceitful son nothing will be good; but a wise servant will be prosperous in actions, and his way shall prosper.

13:14The law for the wise is a spring of life; but the mindless man shall die by a snare.

13:15Good understanding gives favor; but to know the law is of good consideration; but the ways of the disdaining end in destruction.

13:16Every astute man acts with knowledge; but the fool spreads forth evil for himself.

13:17A rash king falls into evils; but a wise messenger shall rescue him.

13:18Poverty and dishonor are removed by instruction; and the one guarding reproofs shall be extolled.

13:19The desires of the impious delight the soul; but the works of the impious are far from knowledge.

13:20The one going with wise men, will be wise; but the one going with fools shall be known.

13:21Evils shall pursue ones sinning; but good things shall overtake the just.

13:22A good man shall inherit sons of sons; and the riches of the impious are treasured up for the just.

13:23The just shall spend many years in wealth; but the unjust shall perish suddenly.

13:24The one who spares the staff detests his son; but the one loving carefully corrects.

13:25The just in eating fills up his soul; but souls of the impious go lacking.