The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Proverbs 12

12:1The one loving instruction loves perception; but the one detesting reproofs is a fool.

12:2Better the one finding favor from the lord; but a man who is a lawbreaker shall be silenced.

12:3A man will not keep straight by a lawless deed; but the roots of the just shall not be lifted away.

12:4A courageous wife is a crown to her husband; but as the worm in wood, so an evil doing wife destroys her husband.

12:5The devices of the just are true judgments; but the impious devise treachery.

12:6The words of the impious are deceitful for blood; but the mouth of the upright shall rescue them.

12:7Of which ever time the impious should be over turned he vanishes; but the houses of the just remain.

12:8The mouth of the discerning is lauded by a man; but the dull of heart is sneered at.

12:9Better a man with dishonor serving himself, than one putting value on himself, and feeling want of bread.

12:10A just one pities the lives of his cattle; but the feelings of compassion of the impious are unmerciful.

12:11The one working his own ground shall be filled up with bread loaves; but the ones pursuing vain things are lacking of sense. The one who is pleasure-bent in wine drinking pastimes, shall leave behind dishonor in his own fortresses.

12:12The desires of the impious are evil things; but the roots of the pious are in fortresses.

12:13Through the sin of the lips a sinner falls into snares; but the just flees from them.

12:14From fruits of the mouth a soul of a man shall be filled of good things; and a recompense of his lips shall be rendered to him.

12:15The ways of fools are straight before them; but the wise listens to advice.

12:16A fool daily publishes his anger; but one astute hides his own dishonor.

12:17The just man reports by displaying trust; but the witness of the unjust is deceitful.

12:18There are the ones speaking -- they pierce as a sword; but the tongues of the wise heal.

12:19True lips straighten testimony; but a quick witness has an unjust tongue.

12:20Treachery is in the heart of the one contriving evils; but the ones wanting peace shall be glad.

12:21Anything unjust shall not please the just; but the impious shall be filled with bad things.

12:22Lying lips are an abomination to the lord; but the one dealing in trust is accepted by him.

12:23A discerning man is a throne of perception; but the heart of fools shall meet with curses.

12:24The hand of chosen men shall prevail easily; but the deceitful will be for plunder.

12:25A fearful word disturbs the heart of a man; but a good message gladdens him.

12:26A friend will be a just arbitrator of himself; but the ones sinning pursue evil things, and the way of the impious misleads them.

12:27A deceitful man shall not succeed in hunting; but a pure man is an esteemed possession.

12:28In the ways of righteousness is life; but the ways of the resentful are unto death.