The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Proverbs 11

11:1Deceitful yoke balance scales are an abomination before the lord; but a just weight is acceptable to him.

11:2Where ever insult should enter, dishonor is also there; but the mouth of the humble meditates upon wisdom.

11:3The just forsakes regret in dying; but beforehand the destruction of the impious takes place and incurs ridicule.

11:4The soundness of the upright will guide them; and a fall will plunder the ones disregarding them. Possessions will not benefit in the day of rage; and righteousness shall rescue from death.

11:5Righteousness unblemished cuts straight ways; but impiety falls among injustice.

11:6Righteousness of upright men shall rescue them; but by thoughtlessness lawbreakers are captured.

11:7Of the coming to an end of a just man hope is not destroyed; but the boasting of the impious is destroyed.

11:8The just are taken from out of a trap; and instead of him the impious one is delivered up.

11:9In the mouth of impious men is a snare to fellow-countrymen; but the perception of just men is prosperous.

11:10By the good things of just men a city is set up; and in the destruction of the impious there is a leap for joy.

11:11By the blessing of the upright a city shall be exalted; but by the mouths of impious men it shall be razed.

11:12A man lacking of sense sneers at fellow-countrymen; but an intelligent man leads restfully.

11:13A man being double-tongued uncovers plans in the sanhedrin; but the trustworthy man in breath keeps matters hidden.

11:14The ones who do not exist with guidance fall as leaves; but deliverance exists in much counsel.

11:15The wicked man does evil whenever he mixes with a just man; and he detests the sound of safety.

11:16A gracious wife raises glory to her husband; but a throne of dishonor is a wife detesting righteous things. The lazy become lacking of riches; but the vigorous establish riches.

11:17A merciful man does good to his soul; but the unmerciful totally ruins his body.

11:18The impious do unjust works; but the seed of the just is a wage of truth.

11:19A just son engenders unto life; but the persecution of the impious is unto death.

11:20Perverting ways are an abomination to the lord; but all unblemished ones in the way are acceptable to him.

11:21The one putting hands unjustly against a hand will not be unpunished of evils; but the one sowing righteousness shall receive a trustworthy wage.

11:22As a ring of gold in a nose of a pig; so beauty to an evil-minded woman.

11:23All the desire of the just is good; but the hope of the impious shall perish.

11:24There are the ones sowing their own seed making more; and there are also the ones gathering having less.

11:25Every sincere soul is being blessed; but a man inclined to rage is not decent.

11:26May the one hoarding grain leave it to the nations; but a blessing be on the head of the one sharing.

11:27The one contriving good things seeks good favor; but the one seeking evil things, evil shall overtake him.

11:28The one yielding upon his own riches, this one shall fall; but the one assisting just men shall rise.

11:29The one not being accommodating to his own house shall inherit the wind; and the fool will be a slave to the intelligent.

11:30From out of the fruit of righteousness germinates a tree of life; but the lives of lawbreakers are removed at unseasonable times.

11:31If then the just are hardly delivered, the impious one and the sinner, where shall he appear?