The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Proverbs 7

7:1O son, keep my words, and my commandments hide for yourself!

7:2O son, esteem the lord! and you shall strengthen; and besides him, do not fear another! Keep my commandments! and you shall spend life; and my words as if the pupil of your eyes.

7:3Put them on your fingers, and inscribe them upon the width of your heart!

7:4Speak wisdom to be your sister; and procure to yourself intelligence as an acquaintance!

7:5that she should keep you from the strange and wicked woman, if she should put words for you for favor.

7:6For from the window of her house she leans into the squares

7:7at whom ever she should behold of the foolish offspring -- a young man lacking of sense,

7:8passing by the corner in the corridors of her houses, speaking

7:9in darkness during the evening, when ever all is at rest nightly, or also at dimness.

7:10And the woman meets with him having the appearance of a harlot, which makes the heart of young men to flutter.

7:11And she is inciting and carnal, and her feet do not stay still in her house.

7:12For at certain time she strays outside, and another time she lies in wait in the squares by every corner.

7:13Then, taking hold, she fondles him; and with impudent face she says to him,

7:14There is a peace sacrifice with me, today I render my vows.

7:15Because of this I come forth for meeting you; feeling the absence of your face I have found you.

7:16In trimming, I have stretched my bed. I spread spreads from Egypt.

7:17I have sprinkled my bed with saffron, and my house with cinnamon.

7:18Come! for we should enjoy friendship until dawn. Come, for we should wrap up in passion.

7:19For my husband is not at hand in the house; he has gone a long way,

7:20taking a bundle of silver in his hands; for only after many days will he come back again to his house.

7:21And she led him astray with much companionship, and also with nooses. By the things from her lips she led him aground.

7:22And he followed after her, being easily led on, and as an ox is led unto slaughter, and as a dog to bonds, and as a stag shot with a bow,

7:23striking into the liver; and he hastens as a fowl into a snare, not seeing that he runs for his life.

7:24Now then, O son, hear me, and take heed to the sayings of my mouth!

7:25Do not turn aside to her ways with your heart! and you should not be misled by her short-cuts.

7:26For she has thrown down many in piercing, and innumerable are whom she has murdered.

7:27Her house is the ways of Hades; they lead down into the storerooms of death.