The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Proverbs 8

8:1You shall proclaim wisdom, that intellect should obey you.

8:2For she is upon the high extremities, and she stands in the midst of the paths.

8:3For by the gates of mighty ones she is occupied; and in the entrances sings, saying,

8:4You, O men, I comfort; and I let go with my voice to the sons of men.

8:5Comprehend, O guileless ones, astuteness! and O uninstructed, insert it in heart!

8:6Listen to me! for I shall speak serious things, and I will offer straight things from my lips!

8:7For my throat shall meditate truth; and lying lips are abhorrent before me.

8:8All the sayings of my mouth are with righteousness; nothing in them is crooked nor insidious.

8:9All is face to face to the ones perceiving; and straight to the ones finding knowledge.

8:10Receive instruction, and not silver! and knowledge above tried gold.

8:11For wisdom is better than very costly stones; and every esteemed thing is not worth her.

8:12I wisdom encamped with counsel and knowledge; and I called upon reflection.

8:13The fear of the lord detests injustice; insolence also, and pride, and the ways of evil ones; and I have detested the perverting ways of evil men.

8:14Counsel and safety are mine; intelligence is mine, and strength is mine.

8:15By me kings reign, and the mighty ones write righteousness.

8:16Through me great men become magnified, and sovereigns through me take hold of the earth.

8:17I love the ones being fond of me; and the ones seeking me shall find favor.

8:18Wealth and glory exist by me, and much property and righteousness.

8:19Best to gather my fruit than gold and precious stone; and my produce is better than choice silver.

8:20I walk in the ways of righteousness, and I return in the midst of paths of reason;

8:21that I shall portion substance to the ones loving me; and their treasuries I shall fill up of good things. If I should announce to you the things happening each day, I will remember also to count the things of the eon.

8:22The lord created me the head of his ways for his works.

8:23Before the eon he founded me in the beginning, before the making the earth;

8:24and before the making the abysses; before the coming forth of the springs of waters;

8:25before the seating of the mountains; and before all the hills he engenders me.

8:26The lord made regions, and uninhabited places, and uttermost parts of the inhabitable world under the heavens.

8:27When he prepared the heaven, I was present with him, and when he separated his throne upon the winds;

8:28when he made the upward clouds strong; and as he made the springs under heaven safe;

8:29in the putting of his restriction to the sea; and the waters shall not go by his mouth; and as he made the foundations of the earth strong,

8:30I was by him. I was being in accord, in which he rejoiced with. And each day I was glad in front of him at all time,

8:31even when he was pleased with the completing the inhabitable world, and was pleased among the sons of men.

8:32Now then, O son, hear me! and blessed are the ones guarding my ways.

8:33Hear wisdom! and you should be wise, and you should not seal it up. Blessed is the man who shall listen to me, and the man who shall guard my ways;

8:34being awake at my doors each day, giving heed at the doorposts of my entrances.

8:35For my issues are the issues of life, and in them volition is prepared from the lord.

8:36But the ones sinning against me are impious unto their own souls; and the ones detesting me love death.