The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ecclesiastes 6

6:1There is a wickedness which I beheld under the sun, and it is abundant with men.

6:2A man to whom God shall give to him wealth, and possessions, and glory, and there is nothing lacking to his soul from all things which he shall desire; yet God shall not give authority to him to eat from it; for a man, a stranger, shall eat it. And this is folly and an evil sickness.

6:3If a man should engender a hundred, and shall live many years, and however abundant will be the days of his years, that his soul shall not be filled up from goodness, and indeed there be no burial for him. I said, Better for him the miscarriage.

6:4For in folly he came, and in darkness he goes, and in darkness his name shall be covered.

6:5And indeed he knew not the sun, and this one knows not rest over this other one.

6:6And if he lived a thousand years of returns, and he knows not goodness, is it not unto one place all shall go?

6:7Every effort of man is for his mouth, and indeed the soul shall not be filled.

6:8For what advantage to the wise over the fool, for the needy knows to go in front of life?

6:9Better vision of eyes, than going in life; for indeed this is folly and resolve of spirit.

6:10If anything became, already its name has been called; and it is known what man is, and he is not able to judge against the one stronger than he.

6:11For there are many matters multiplying folly.

6:12What extra is to man? For who knows what is good to man in life, during the number of the life of the days of his folly? And he spent them as a shadow; for who shall report to man what will be after him under the sun?