The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Acts 24

24:1And after five days there came down the chief priest Ananias with the elders, and a rhetorician, a certain Tertullus, who revealed themselves to the governor against Paul.

24:2And having been called, Tertullus himself began to charge, saying, Great peace is happening through you, and great feats are happening to this nation because of your forethought,

24:3both totally and everywhere we receive it gladly, most excellent Felix, with all thankfulness.

24:4But so that I should not hinder upon you much more, I appeal for you to hear us so suddenly in your clemency.

24:5For having found this man mischievous, and moving insurrection among all the Jews in the habitable world, and front rank of the sect of the Nazarenes;

24:6who also attempted to profane the temple, whom also we seized, and according to our law we wanted to judge.

24:7But Lysias the commander having come by with a great force took him from out of our hands,

24:8bidding his accusers to come; from whom you will be able, he having questioned, concerning all these things, to realize what we accuse him.

24:9And also the Jews joined in making an attack, maintaining these things thus to suffice.

24:10And Paul responded, of the governor nodding to him to speak, saying, For many years you being judge to this nation; knowing this, more cheerfully the things concerning myself I make a defense.

24:11You being able to know that there were not more than twelve days to me from which I ascended to do obeisance into Jerusalem,

24:12and neither in the temple did they find me with anyone reasoning, or causing a conspiracy of a multitude, neither in the synagogues, nor in the city;

24:13nor are they able to render proof concerning which now they charge me.

24:14But I acknowledge this to you, that according to the way, which they call a sect, so I serve to the paternal God, believing in all things according to the law and to the things having been written in the prophets,

24:15having a hope in God; which also they themselves wait for -- a resurrection about to be of the dead, both of just and unjust.

24:16And in this I discipline myself, not causing anyone to stumble, having a conscience towards God and men continually.

24:17And after more years I came offering charity to my nation, and offerings;

24:18in which they found me purified in the temple, not with a multitude, nor with a tumult. But certain Jews from Asia,

24:19whom must be at hand before you, and to charge, if anything they may have against me;

24:20and let these themselves speak! if they found anything in me for an offence, with my standing before the sanhedrin;

24:21other than concerning this one voice which I cried out standing among them, that, Concerning a resurrection of the dead I am judged today by you.

24:22And hearing these things, Felix postponed them, more exactly knowing the things concerning the way, having said, Whenever Lysias the commander should come down, I will determine the things as to you.

24:23And having given orders to the centurion to keep Paul, and to let him have relaxation, and for no one to restrain his own people to assist or to come forward to him.

24:24And after some days, Felix having come with Drusilla his wife, being Jewish, he fetched Paul, and he heard him concerning the belief in Christ.

24:25And of his reasoning concerning righteousness, and self-control, and the judgment about to be, Felix becoming thrown into fear responded, For now it suffices, go! but a time for sharing I will call you back.

24:26But at the same time also hoping that things shall be given to him by Paul, so that he should loose him; therefore also more frequently fetching him, he consorted with him.

24:27And a space of two years having been fulfilled, Felix received as a successor, Porcius Festus. And wanting favors to be laid away with the Jews, Felix left Paul bound.