The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Zechariah 14

14:1Behold, days of the lord come, and your spoils shall be divided among you.

14:2And I will assemble all the nations against Jerusalem for battle; and the city shall be captured, and the houses shall be plundered, and the women shall be tainted. And shall come forth half the city into captivity, and the rest of my people in no way shall be utterly destroyed from the city.

14:3And the lord shall come forth, and he shall deploy against those nations, as the day of his battle array in the day of war.

14:4And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of olives, the one over against Jerusalem according to the east; and the mount of olives shall split, half of it towards the east and west, an exceedingly great chaos. And half of the mountain shall lean towards the north, and half of it towards the south.

14:5And the valley of my mountains shall be obstructed, and the ravine shall be joined together by mountains unto Azal. And it shall be obstructed in which manner it was obstructed from in front of the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. And the lord my God shall come, and all the holy ones with him.

14:6And it will be in that day there shall not be light; and chilliness and ice.

14:7It shall be one day, and that day shall be known to the lord, and neither day nor night, and towards evening it shall be light.

14:8And it shall be in that day shall come forth living water from out of Jerusalem. The half of it into the foremost sea, and half of it into the latter sea; in summer and in spring thus it will be.

14:9And the lord will be for king over all the earth. In that day there shall be one lord, and his name one,

14:10encircling all the earth, and the wilderness -- from Geba unto Remmon according to the south of Jerusalem. And Rama shall remain in its place; from the gate of Benjamin unto the place of the first gate, and unto the gate of the corners, and unto the tower of Hananeel, unto the wine-vats of the king.

14:11And they shall dwell in it, and it will not be anathema any longer; and Jerusalem shall dwell securely.

14:12And this will be the downfall in which the lord shall smite all the peoples, as many as marched against Jerusalem. Their flesh shall melt away while standing upon their feet; and their eyes shall flow from out of their openings, and their tongue shall melt away in their mouth.

14:13And there will be in that day a great astonishment from the lord upon them; and they shall take hold each the hand of his neighbor, and shall closely join his hand to the hand of his neighbor.

14:14And Judah shall deploy in Jerusalem; and he shall bring together the strength of all the peoples round about -- gold, and silver, and clothes into abundance exceedingly.

14:15And this will be the downfall of the horses, and the mules, and the camels, and the donkeys, and of all the cattle of the ones being in those camps, according to this downfall.

14:16And it will be as many as should be left of all the nations coming against Jerusalem, that they shall ascend by year to do obeisance to the king, to the lord almighty, and to solemnize the holiday of the pitching of tents.

14:17And it will be as many as should not ascend from out of all the tribes of the earth unto Jerusalem to do obeisance to the king, to the lord almighty, and these things shall be added to those -- there shall not be rain upon them.

14:18And if the tribe of Egypt should not ascend, nor come, then upon these will be the downfall which the lord struck all the nations, as many as should not ascend to solemnize the holiday of the pitching of tents.

14:19This will be the sin of Egypt, and the sin of all the nations which ever should not ascend to solemnize the holiday of the pitching of tents.

14:20In that day there will be upon the bridle of the horse, Holy to the lord Almighty. And the kettles in the house of the lord will be as bowls before the face of the altar.

14:21And it will be every kettle in Jerusalem and in Judah holy to the lord almighty. And all the ones sacrificing shall come and shall take of them; and they shall cook with them. And there will not be any longer the Canaanite in the house of the lord of the forces in that day.