The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Hebrews 11

11:1And belief is the reality of hoping of things, the proof not being seen.

11:2For in this the elders were borne witness to.

11:3By belief we comprehend the eons to be fashioned by the word of God, so that not of things appearing take place the things seen.

11:4By belief Abel offered a greater sacrifice than Cain to God, by which he bore witness to be just, by God testifying over his gifts; and through it having died still speaks.

11:5By belief Enoch was transposed to not know death, and was not found, because God transposed him; for before his transposition he bore witness to have been well-pleasing to God.

11:6But apart from belief it is impossible to well-please; for it is necessary for the one coming forward to God to believe that he is; and to the ones seeking after him he becomes a paymaster.

11:7By belief Noah having received a divine message concerning the things not as yet being seen, showing reverence, carefully prepared the ark for deliverance of his house; by which he condemned the world; and of the thing according to belief he became heir of righteousness.

11:8By belief Abraham being called, obeyed to go forth unto the place which he was about to receive for an inheritance; and he went forth not having knowledge of where he went.

11:9By belief he sojourned in the land of the promise, as an alien, in tents dwelling with Isaac and Jacob, the joint-heirs of the same promise;

11:10for he looked out for the city having foundations, of which the craftsman and engineer is God.

11:11By belief also Sarah herself received power for founding seed, and past the time of vigor gave birth, since believing she esteemed the one promising.

11:12Therefore also from one they were born (and these were as deadened) as the stars of the heaven in multitude, and as the sand by the edge of the sea is innumerable.

11:13According to belief these all died, not receiving the promises, but at a distance beholding them, and being persuaded, and greeting, and acknowledging that they are strangers and immigrants upon the earth.

11:14For the ones saying such things reveal that they anxiously seek the fatherland.

11:15And if indeed, those remembering from where they came forth, they had even time to return.

11:16But now a better thing they reach for, that is to say, a heavenly. Therefore God is not ashamed of them, to be called their God; for he prepared for them a city.

11:17By belief Abraham offered Isaac, being tested, and the one receiving the promises offered up the only child,

11:18towards whom it was said that, In Isaac a seed shall be called to you;

11:19considering that God was able to raise even from the dead; from where he received him even in parable.

11:20By belief concerning things about to be Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau.

11:21By belief Jacob dying blessed each of the sons of Joseph, and did obeisance upon the tip of his cane.

11:22By belief Joseph, coming to an end, made mention concerning the exodus of the sons of Israel; and gave charge concerning his bones.

11:23By belief Moses, having been born, was hid three months by his fathers, because they saw the child as fair; and they did not fear the edict of the king.

11:24By belief Moses, having become great, denied to be called son of Pharaoh's daughter,

11:25seeming it as being good rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to have temporary enjoyment in sins;

11:26esteeming the scorning of the anointed greater riches than the treasures in Egypt; for he looked away to the payment.

11:27By belief he left Egypt, not fearing the rage of the king; for as seeing the unseen he persevered.

11:28By belief he observed the passover and the pouring of the blood, lest the one annihilating the first-born should touch them.

11:29By belief they passed over the red sea, as through dry land; of which the Egyptians taking the attempt were swallowed down.

11:30By belief the walls of Jericho fell, having been encircled for seven days.

11:31By belief Rahab the harlot was not destroyed together with the ones having disobeyed, receiving the spies with peace.

11:32And what yet say I? For it shall be deficient of me not describing the time concerning Gideon, Barak and also Samson, and Jephthah, also David and Samuel, and the prophets;

11:33the ones who through belief conquered kingdoms, worked righteousness, succeeded in the promises, shut up mouths of lions,

11:34extinguished the power of fire, fled the mouths of swords, were empowered from out of weakness, became strong in war; they leaned the camps of aliens;

11:35women received a resurrection of their dead; and others were pounded, not accepting the release by ransom, that a better resurrection they should attain.

11:36And others received a trial of mocking and of whips, and still of bonds and prison.

11:37They were stoned, were sawn, were tested, they died by murder of the sword; they went around in sheepskins, in goat's skins; lacking, being afflicted, being mistreated;

11:38(of whom the world was not worthy) wandering in desolate places, and in mountains, and in caves, and the openings of the earth.

11:39And these all testifying on account of the belief while not receiving the promise,

11:40having foreseen something better of God for us, that they should not be perfected separate from us.