The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 43

43:1And now, thus says the lord God, the one making you, O Jacob, and the one shaping you, O Israel, Do not fear! for I ransomed you, I called you by your name, you are mine.

43:2And if you should pass over through water, I am with you; and rivers shall not engulf you. And if you go through fire, in no way should you be incinerated; a flame shall not incinerate you.

43:3For I am the lord your God, the holy one of Israel, the one delivering you. I made a barter for you -- Egypt, and Ethiopia, and Seba for you.

43:4From which time you were esteemed valuable before me, you were glorified, and I loved you. And I will give men for you, and rulers for your head.

43:5Do not fear, for I am with you! From the east I will lead your seed, and from the west I will bring you together.

43:6I will say to the north, Bring! and to the south, Do not restrain! Bring my sons from a land at a distance, and my daughters from uttermost parts of the earth,

43:7even all, as many as have been called upon to my name. For in my glory I carefully prepared him, and I shaped him, and I made him.

43:8And I brought out a blind people, and the eyes are likewise blind; and deaf ones having the ears.

43:9All the nations were brought together, and rulers from them shall be brought together. Who will announce these things? Or the things from the beginning, who will announce? Let them bring forth their witnesses, and let them be justified, and let them hear, and let them speak truth!

43:10Be witnesses to me! and I witness, says the lord God, and my servant whom I chose. That you should know, and should trust, and should perceive that I am. Before me another God did not exist, and after me it will not be.

43:11I am God, and besides me there is no one delivering.

43:12I announced it, and I delivered. I berated, and there was not among you an alien god. You are to me witnesses, and I am the lord God,

43:13even from the beginning; and there is not one taking from my hands. I will do, and who shall turn it?

43:14Thus says the lord God, the one ransoming you, the holy one of Israel. Because of you I will send unto Babylon, and I will rouse all the ones fleeing, and the Chaldeans shall be tied in boats.

43:15I am the lord God, your holy one, the one introducing for Israel your king.

43:16For thus says the lord, the one making a way in the sea, and a path in strong water;

43:17the one leading chariots and horse, and a mighty multitude; but they were gone to sleep, and they shall not rise up; they were extinguished as a flax being extinguished.

43:18Do not remember the first things, and the ancient things do not reckon together!

43:19Behold, I do new things which now shall arise, and you all shall know them. And I will make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the waterless place.

43:20The wild beasts of the field shall bless me, sirens and daughters of ostriches; for I established water in the wilderness, and rivers in the waterless place, to give to drink to my chosen race,

43:21my people whom I procured; the ones to describe my virtues.

43:22Not now I called you, O Jacob, nor acted to tire you, O Israel.

43:23You did not bring to me of your sheep, of the one of your whole offering; nor in your sacrifices you glorified me. You were not enslaved in sacrifices, nor did you weary with frankincense.

43:24Nor you acquired for me a sacrifice of silver, nor the fat of your sacrifices I desired. But in your sins you stood in front of me, and in your iniquities.

43:25I am, I am he, the one wiping away your lawless deeds because of me, and your sins in no way shall I remember.

43:26But you, remember! And let us plead together! You tell of your lawless deeds first! that you should be justified.

43:27Your fathers first sinned, and your rulers acted lawlessly against me.

43:28And the rulers defiled my holy things; and I gave Jacob up to be destroyed, and Israel for scorning.