The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Leviticus 14

14:1And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,

14:2This is the law of the leper. In what ever day he should have been cleansed, and shall be brought to the priest;

14:3that the priest shall come forth outside the camp. And the priest shall look, and behold, if the infection has been healed of the leprosy from the leper,

14:4then the priest shall assign, and they shall take for the one being cleansed two clean living small birds, and wood of cedar, and twined scarlet, and hyssop.

14:5And the priest shall assign, and they shall slay the one small bird into an earthenware receptacle over living water.

14:6And as for the small bird, the one living, he shall take it, and the wood of cedar, and the spun scarlet, and the hyssop; and he shall dip them and the small bird that is living into the blood of the small bird being slain over living water.

14:7And he shall sprinkle it about upon the one being cleansed of the leprosy seven times, and he will be clean. And he shall send out the small living bird into the plain.

14:8And the man being cleansed shall wash his garments, and he shall shave all his hair, and shall bathe in water, and shall be clean. And after these things he shall enter into the camp, and shall spend time outside of his house seven days.

14:9And it will be on the seventh day, he shall shave all of his hair, the hair of his head, and the beard, and the brows; even all his hair he shall shave. And he shall wash his garments, and shall bathe his body in water, and he shall be clean.

14:10And on the eighth day he shall take two lambs, unblemished, of a year old, and one sheep, unblemished of a year old, and three tenths of fine flour for a sacrifice offering, being mixed in olive oil, and one small cup of olive oil.

14:11And the priest that cleanses shall stand the man for the cleansing, and these offerings before the lord, at the door of the tent of the testimony.

14:12And the priest shall take the one lamb, and bring it for the trespass offering, and the small cup of olive oil; and he shall separate them as a separation offering before the lord.

14:13And he shall slay the lamb in the place where they slay the whole burnt-offerings, and the ones for a sin offering, in the holy place. For it is the one for a sin offering; as the one of the trespass offering is for the priest -- it is a holy of holies.

14:14And the priest shall take from the blood, of the one of the trespass offering, and the priest shall place it upon the lobe of the ear of the one being cleansed -- the right, and upon the thumb of his hand -- the right, and upon the big toe of his foot -- the right.

14:15And the priest taking from the small cup of the olive oil, he shall pour upon the left hand of the priest.

14:16And the priest shall dip his right finger from the olive oil being in his left hand. And he shall sprinkle from the olive oil with his finger seven times before the lord.

14:17And the left behind olive oil being in his hand, the priest shall place upon the lobe of the right ear of the one being cleansed, and upon the thumb of his hand -- the right, and upon the big toe of his foot -- the right, upon the place of the blood of the trespass offering.

14:18And the left over olive oil that is upon the hand of the priest, the priest shall place it upon the head of the one being cleansed, and the priest shall atone for him before the lord.

14:19And the priest shall offer the thing for the sin offering, and the priest shall atone for the one being cleansed of his sin. And after this the priest shall slay the whole burnt-offering.

14:20And the priest shall offer the whole burnt-offering, and the sacrifice upon the altar before the lord; and the priest shall atone for him, and he shall be cleansed.

14:21And if he should be in need, and his hand should not find what is needed, he shall take one lamb for what he trespassed for a cut-away portion, so as to atone for him, and a tenth of fine flour being mixed in olive oil for a sacrifice, and one small cup of olive oil,

14:22and two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons, as much as his hand found. And the one shall be for a sin offering, and the one for a whole burnt-offering.

14:23And he shall bring them on the eighth day, for his cleansing, to the priest, unto the door of the tent of the testimony before the lord.

14:24And the priest shall take the lamb of the trespass offering, and the small cup of the olive oil, and he shall place them for an increase offering before the lord.

14:25And he shall slay the lamb, the one for the trespass offering; and the priest shall take from the blood of the one for the trespass offering, and shall place it upon the lobe of the ear of the one being cleansed -- the right, and upon the thumb of his hand -- the right, and upon the big toe of his foot -- the right.

14:26And of the olive oil the priest shall pour upon his hand -- the left.

14:27And the priest shall sprinkle with his finger -- the right from the olive oil, the oil in his hand -- the left, seven times before the lord.

14:28And the priest shall put of the olive oil being in his hand upon the lobe of the ear of the one being cleansed -- the right, and upon the thumb of his hand -- the right, and upon the big toe of his foot -- the right, on the place of the blood of the trespass offering.

14:29And the left over olive oil, being in the hand of the priest, he shall place upon the head of the one being cleansed, and the priest shall atone for him before the lord.

14:30And he shall offer one from the turtle-doves, or from the young ones of the pigeons, in so far as his hand found,

14:31the one for a sin offering, and the one for a whole burnt-offering with the sacrifice offering. And the priest shall atone for the one being cleansed before the lord.

14:32This is the law for him in whom is found the infection of the leprosy, and not finding means in his hand enough for his cleansing.

14:33And the lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying,

14:34When ever you should enter into the land of the Canaanites, which I give to you for a possession, and I put an infection of leprosy in the houses of the land procured by you;

14:35then one from the house shall come and shall announce to the priest, saying, Something as an infection has appeared to me in the house.

14:36And the priest will assign to pack up the house before the priest enters to look at the infection, that no way should become unclean as much as might be in the house. And after these things the priest shall enter to study the house.

14:37And he shall look at the infection. And behold, if the infection is in the walls of the house, with a cavity being greenish or being reddish, and their appearance deep in the walls.

14:38And the priest coming forth from out of the house, at the door of the house, and then the priest shall separate the house seven days.

14:39And the priest shall come back again on the seventh day, and he shall look at the house. And behold, if the infection was diffused in the walls of the house,

14:40then the priest shall assign, and they shall take out the stones in which is the infection, and they shall cast them outside the city, into an unclean place.

14:41And they shall scrape the house from inside round about, and shall pour out the dust of the scraping outside the city into an unclean place.

14:42And they shall take stones being scraped of another, and they shall substitute for the stones, and other dust for plaster they shall take, and they shall plaster the house.

14:43But if the infection should come again, and should rise up in the house after the taking away of the stones, and after the scraping the house, and after the plastering,

14:44then the priest shall enter and he shall look. If the infection in the house be dispersed, it is a permanent leprosy in the house -- it is unclean.

14:45And they shall demolish the house, and its wood, and its stones; and all the plaster dust of the house they shall bring forth outside the city unto an unclean place.

14:46And the one entering into the house all the days which it is being separated will be unclean until evening.

14:47And the one going to bed in the house shall wash his garments, and will be unclean until evening. And the one eating in the house, he shall wash his garments.

14:48And if coming, the priest should enter and look, and behold, the infection is not dispersed in the house after the plastering the house, that the priest shall declare the house cleansed, for the infection is healed.

14:49And he shall take to purify the house, two small living birds, and wood of cedar, and twined scarlet, and hyssop.

14:50And he shall slay the one small bird into an earthenware utensil over living water.

14:51And he shall take the wood of cedar, and the twined scarlet, and the hyssop, and the living small bird; and he shall dip them into the blood of the small bird having been slain over living water; and he shall sprinkle about with them upon the house seven times.

14:52And he shall purify the house with the blood of the small bird, and with the living water, and with the living small bird, and with the wood of cedar, and with the hyssop, and with the twined scarlet.

14:53And he shall send out the living small bird outside the city into the plain. And he shall atone for the house, and it will be clean.

14:54This is the law for every infection of leprosy, and outbreak,

14:55and the leprosy of a garment, and house,

14:56and discoloration, and spot, and shining;

14:57to describe the day unclean, and the day it shall be cleansed. This is the law of the leprosy.