The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Luke 20

20:1And it came to pass in one of those days, of his teaching the people in the temple, and announcing good news, the chief priests and the scribes stood by with the elders,

20:2and they spoke to him, saying, Tell us! by what kind of authority do you do these things? or who is the one having given to you this authority?

20:3And answering he said to them, And I will ask you one word, and you tell to me!

20:4The immersion of John, was it from heaven, or from men?

20:5And they reckoned to themselves, saying that, If we should say from heaven; he shall say, Therefore why then did you not believe in him?

20:6And if we should say, From men; all the people will completely stone us; for they are persuaded John to be a prophet.

20:7And they answered, We do not know from where.

20:8And Jesus said to them, Nor do I say to you by what authority I do these things.

20:9And he began to speak to the people this parable, A certain man planted a vineyard, and handed it over to growers, and traveled abroad a fit amount of time.

20:10And in the season he sent to the growers a servant that from the fruit of the vineyard they might give to him; but the growers having flayed him, sent him away empty.

20:11And he proceeded to send forth another servant; but they having flayed that one also and dishonoring him, sent him away empty.

20:12And he proceeded to send forth a third; but they having wounded also this one, cast him out.

20:13And the master of the vineyard said, What shall I do? I will send forth my son, the beloved; perhaps beholding this one they will show respect.

20:14But beholding him, the growers reasoned to themselves, saying, This is the heir. Come, we should kill him, that the inheritance becomes ours.

20:15And having cast him outside the vineyard they killed him. What then shall the master of the vineyard do to them?

20:16He shall come and shall destroy those growers, and he will give the vineyard to others. And having heard, they said, May it not be.

20:17And looking to them, he said, What then is this having been written, The stone which the ones building rejected, this is become for head of the corner.

20:18Every one falling upon that stone shall be fractured in pieces, but whom ever it should fall upon, it will winnow him.

20:19And the chief priests and the scribes sought to put hands upon him in that same hour, and they feared; for they knew that he spoke this parable against them.

20:20And closely watching, they sent ones lying in wait, pretending themselves to be righteous, that they should take hold of his word for delivering him up to the sovereignty, and to the authority of the governor.

20:21And they questioned him, saying, Teacher, we know that rightly you speak and teach, and do not take face, but in truth the way of God you teach.

20:22Is it allowed for us to give tribute to Caesar or not?

20:23But contemplating their cunning, he said to them, Why do you test me?

20:24Display to me a denarius; whose image and inscription does it have? And answering they said, Caesar.

20:25And he said to them, Give back therefore the things of Caesar to Caesar, and the things of God to God.

20:26And they were not able to take hold of his saying before the people; and marveling over his answer, they were quiet.

20:27But coming forward, a certain one of the Sadducees, the ones speaking against a resurrection, claiming it not to be, asked him,

20:28saying, Teacher, Moses wrote to us, If anyone's brother should die having a wife, and he should die childless, that his brother should take the wife, and should raise up seed to his brother.

20:29There were then seven brothers, and the first having taken a wife died childless.

20:30And the second took the wife, and he died childless.

20:31And the third took her, and likewise also the seven; and they did not leave children, and they died.

20:32And afterwards all died and the woman.

20:33In then the resurrection, which of them does she become wife? for the seven had her as wife.

20:34And answering Jesus said to them, The sons of this age marry and give in marriage.

20:35But the ones being deemed worthy of that age to attain and of the resurrection of the ones from the dead, neither marry nor give in marriage.

20:36For neither are they able to die any longer, for they are like angels, and they are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection.

20:37But that the dead be raised, even Moses indicated at the bush, as he says, The Lord God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.

20:38But God is not of the dead, but of living ones; for all live to him.

20:39And answering some of the scribes said, Teacher, well you spoke.

20:40And no longer they dared to ask him anything.

20:41And he said to them, How do they say the Christ to be the son of David?

20:42And he, David says in the book of Psalms; The Lord said to my Lord, sit down at my right,

20:43until whenever I put your enemies as a footstool for your feet.

20:44David then calls him Lord, so how is he his son?

20:45And all the people hearing, he said to his disciples,

20:46Take heed of the scribes, of the ones wanting to walk in robes, and being fond of greetings in the markets, and first seats in the synagogues, and first place in the suppers;

20:47the ones who devour the houses of the widows, and for an excuse they pray long. These shall receive extra judgment.