The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 16

An inscription on a monument; to David.

16:1Guard me, O lord, for upon you I hoped!

16:2I said to the lord, You are my lord, for you have no need of my goodness.

16:3The lord wondered the holy ones in his land, all his willing ones among them.

16:4Their weaknesses were multiplied -- they that hastened after these gods. In no way shall I bring together the ones of their gathering for blood, nor in any way shall I mention their names through my lips.

16:5The lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup. You are the one restoring my inheritance to me.

16:6The measuring lines fallen to me in the most excellent places. Yes, for my inheritance is to me most excellent.

16:7I will bless the lord, the one bringing understanding to me; but still also until night my kidneys corrected me.

16:8I foresaw the lord before me always; for he is on my right that I should not be shaken.

16:9On account of this my heart was glad, and my tongue exulted; and still also my flesh shall encamp in hope.

16:10For you shall not abandon my soul in Hades, nor shall you give your sacred one to see corruption.

16:11You made known to me the ways of life. You shall fill me of gladness with your face. Delightfulness is at your right unto the end.