The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 55

To the director; among hymns of contemplation; to Asaph.

55:1Give ear, O God, to my prayer! for you should not overlook my supplication.

55:2Take heed to me, and listen to me! I was fretted in my meditation and was disturbed,

55:3from the voice of the enemy, and from the affliction of the sinner; for they turned aside against me for lawlessness, and in anger they displayed anger against me.

55:4My heart was disturbed in me, and dread of death fell upon me.

55:5Fear and trembling came upon me, and darkness covered me.

55:6And I said, Why shall he not give to me wings as a dove, and I shall spread out and I shall rest?

55:7Behold, I was far off being driven into exile, and was lodged in the wilderness.

55:8I waited for the one delivering me from faint-heartedness and the gale.

55:9Sink them, O lord, and divide their tongues! for I saw lawlessness and dispute in the city.

55:10Day and night he shall encircle her upon her walls; and lawlessness and misery will be in the midst of her;

55:11and injustice, and usury and treachery ceased not from out of her squares.

55:12For if an enemy berated me, I would have endured. And if the one detesting me spoke great words against me, I would have hidden from him.

55:13But you, O man, are like-minded, a leader of mine, and my diviner,

55:14who together you sweetened foods; in the house of God we went in concord.

55:15And let death come upon them, and let them go down into Hades alive! For wickedness in their sojourn, is in the midst of them.

55:16I cried out to God, and the lord listened to me.

55:17Evening and morning and at midday I describe and report; and he shall listen to my voice.

55:18He shall ransom my soul in peace from the ones approaching me; for among many they were with me.

55:19God shall listen, and the one existing before the eons shall humble them. PAUSE. For there is no bargaining with them, for they do not fear God.

55:20He stretched out his hand in recompensing; they profaned his covenant.

55:21He divided them into parts from the anger of his face, and their hearts approached. His words were made tender above olive oil, yet they are arrows.

55:22Cast upon the lord your anxiety, and he will nourish you! He will not grant the just for a tossing about into the eon.

55:23But you, O God, shall lead them down into the well of corruption; men of blood and deceit in no way shall live half their days. But I, O lord, shall hope upon you.