The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Titus 1

1:1Paul, a bondman of God, and apostle of Jesus Christ, for belief of the chosen of God, and full knowledge of truth, of the one according to piety;

1:2unto the hope of life eternal, which the God incapable of falsehood promised before times eternal,

1:3but manifested in his own times -- his word by proclamation, which I was entrusted with according to command of God our deliverer.

1:4To Titus genuine child according to our common belief. Favor, mercy, peace from God the father, and of the Lord Jesus Christ our deliverer.

1:5For this favor I left you in Crete, that the things missing you should correct, and should place in every city elders, as I set in order for you to do.

1:6If anyone is without reproach, husband of one wife, having trustworthy children, not with a charge of carnality, or unsubmissiveness.

1:7For it is necessary the overseer to be without reproach, as God's manager; not self-willed, not prone to anger, not intemperate in the use of wine, not a brawler, not profiting through vice;

1:8but hospitable, friend of good men, discreet, just, sacred, self-controlled,

1:9holding to the trustworthy word according to the teaching, that he might be able both to encourage in the sound teaching, and to reprove the ones disputing.

1:10For there are many unsubmissive and vain talkers and mind-deceivers, especially the ones of the circumcision,

1:11whom it is necessary to muzzle, who upset entire houses, teaching what they must not, for favor of shameful gain.

1:12There said a certain one of them, a prophet of their own, Cretans continually are liars, evil wild beasts, idle bellies.

1:13This testimony is true; for which reason reprove them severely! that they should be sound in the belief,

1:14not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, turning away from the truth.

1:15All things indeed are pure to the pure; but to the ones being defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled.

1:16God they acknowledge to know, but in the works they deny, being abominable and resisting persuasion, and rejected to every good work.