The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Leviticus 25

25:1And the lord spoke to Moses on mount Sinai, saying,

25:2Speak to the sons of Israel! And you shall say to them, Whenever you should enter into the land which I give to you, then the land shall rest a Sabbath to the lord.

25:3Six years you shall sow your field, and six years you shall trim your grapevine, and you shall bring together its fruit.

25:4But the seventh year will be a Sabbath rest in the land -- a Sabbath to the lord. You shall not sow your field and you shall not trim your grapevine,

25:5and the produce ascending by itself in your field you shall not reap up, and the grape of your sanctification you shall not gather in the vintage; a year's rest will be for the land.

25:6And the Sabbath of the land will be foods to you, and to your children, and to your maidservant, and to your hireling, and to the sojourner lying near to you,

25:7and to your cattle, and to the beasts in your land all of its produce shall be for food.

25:8And you shall count out to yourself seven rests of years, seven years seven times. And they will be to you seven periods of seven of years, nine and forty years.

25:9And you shall declare by trumpet sound in all your land, in the seventh month, the tenth of the month. In the day of making an atonement -- you shall declare by trumpet in all your land.

25:10And you shall sanctify the year -- the fiftieth year; and you shall proclaim forth a release upon the land to all the ones dwelling it. A year of release will be its indication to you. And you shall go forth each to his possession, and you shall go forth each to his family.

25:11This indication of release, the year, the fiftieth year will be to you. You shall not sow, nor in any way shall you reap the produce ascending by its self; and you shall not gather the vintage, the things having been sanctified of it.

25:12For it is an indication of release; it shall be holy to you. From the fields you shall eat its produce.

25:13In the year of the release, the indication of it, each shall return back unto his possession.

25:14And if you should render a sale to your neighbor, or if you should acquire by your neighbor, let not a man afflict his neighbor!

25:15According to the number of years after the indication shall you acquire land from your neighbor, and according to the number of years left of the produce shall he sell to you.

25:16In so far as there might be many of the years, he shall multiply the value of his possession; and in so far as there might be less of the years, he shall lessen the value of his possession; for by number of the produce years left shall he sell to you.

25:17Let not a man afflict his neighbor! And you shall fear the lord your God. I am the lord your God.

25:18And you shall observe all my ordinances, and all my judgments. And you shall keep, and you shall observe them. And you shall dwell upon the land complying.

25:19And the land shall give its resources, and you shall eat in fullness, and you shall dwell complying upon it.

25:20And if you should say, What shall we eat in this seventh year if we do not sow, and we do not gather in our produce?

25:21Then I will send my blessing to you in the sixth year, and the land shall produce its produce for the three years.

25:22And you shall sow the eighth year, and you shall eat of the old produce until the ninth year. Until whenever its produce should come, you shall eat old produce of the old.

25:23And the land shall not be sold for security; for the earth is mine, because you are foreigners and sojourners before me.

25:24And according to all the land of your possession you shall give ransoms for the land.

25:25But if your brother with you should be in need, and should have sold part of his possession, and the one acting as next of kin being near to him should come, then he shall ransom the sale of his brother.

25:26But if there might not be any acting as next of kin, and later he should be well-provided in the hand, and he should find himself fit for his ransoms,

25:27then he shall reckon the years of his sale, and shall give back the superior amount to the man to whom he sold it, and he shall return back to his possession.

25:28But if his hand should not be well-provided with the thing fit so as to repay him, then his sale property will be to the one acquiring it until the year of the release; and it shall go forth in the release; then he shall go return to his possession.

25:29But if any should sell a house inhabited in a city being walled, then there shall be the ransoming of it, until the time should be fulfilled, a year of days will be the time of ransoming of it.

25:30But if it should not be ransomed until the entire year should be fulfilled, the house being in the city having a wall shall be validated firmly to the one acquiring it, unto his generations, and it shall not go forth in the release.

25:31But the houses, the ones in properties, ones in which there is not among them a wall round about, they shall be considered belonging to the field of the land -- ransomable always they shall be. And in the release they shall go forth.

25:32And the cities of the Levites, the houses of the cities in their possession, shall be always ransomable to the Levites.

25:33And what ever should be ransomed by of the Levites, then the sale of houses of the city of their possession shall go forth unto the release. For the houses of the cities of the Levites -- this is their possession in the midst of the sons of Israel.

25:34And the fields, the ones being separated in their cities shall not be sold, for this is their eternal possession.

25:35And if your brother who is with you should be in need, and he shall be powerless in the hands with you; you shall take hold of him, and he shall live with you as a foreigner and a sojourner.

25:36You shall not take interest from him, nor for an amount. And you shall fear your God, and your brother shall live with you.

25:37Your money you shall not give to him with interest due; and with usury you shall not give to him of your foods.

25:38I am the lord your God, the one leading you from out of the land of Egypt, to give to you the land of Canaan, so as to be your God.

25:39And if your brother should be humbled by you, and should be sold to you, he shall not serve you in the slavery of a servant.

25:40He shall be as a hireling or a sojourner to you until the year of the release -- thus he shall work for you;

25:41and he shall go forth in the release from you himself, and his children with him. And he shall go unto his family; unto the possession of his father he shall run.

25:42Because these are my servants whom I led out of the land of Egypt. They shall not be sold in a sale of a domestic servant.

25:43You shall not violently strain him in his trouble, and you shall fear your God.

25:44And a boy and a girl, as many as should be to you from the nations, as many as there are round about you -- from them you shall acquire a manservant and a maidservant.

25:45And from the sons of the sojourners being among you -- from these you shall acquire, and from their relatives of the ones with you; as many as happen to be in your land, let them be to you for a possession!

25:46And you shall divide them to your children after you. And they shall be to you possessions unto the eon. But of your brethren of the sons of Israel, each concerning his brother shall not violently strain him in his troubles.

25:47And if wealth should find in the hand of the foreigner or the sojourner living by you, and your brother being in distress should be sold to the foreigner or to the sojourner living by you, or to a foreigner by birth;

25:48after his being sold, there shall be a ransoming to him -- one of his brethren shall ransom him.

25:49A brother of his father, or a son of his father's brother shall ransom him; or one of the members of the family of his flesh of his tribe shall ransom him. And if being well-provided in his hands, he shall ransom himself.

25:50And he shall reckon together with the one acquiring him from the year of which he sold himself to him until the year of the release. And the money of his sale will be as the day of a hireling. Year to year he will be with him.

25:51And if to any there might be many surplus years, for these he shall render his ransoms of the money of his sale.

25:52And if few should be left behind of the years to the year of the release, then he shall reckon to him according to his years, and shall render his ransoms.

25:53As a hireling, year to year he shall be with him. You shall not violently strain him in his trouble before you.

25:54And if he should not pay ransom according to these things, then he shall go forth in the year of the release; he and his children with him.

25:55For to me the sons of Israel are servants; these are of my children, whom I led from out of the land of Egypt. I am the lord your God.