The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Nehemiah 4

4:1And it came to pass when Sanballat heard that we were building the wall, that it was evil to him, and he was angry very much, and he was laughing out loud over the Jews.

4:2And he spoke before his brethren, and the force of the Samaritans, and he said, What do these Judahmen do -- the Jews? Shall we not abandon them? Is it to sacrifice? Is it that they will be able to? And today, will they repair the stones with the embankment rubbish for being burnt?

4:3And Tobiah the Ammonite was next to him, and he said to them, And even if they shall build, shall not a fox ascend and demolish their wall of stones?

4:4Hear, O our God! for we became for sneering. And return their scorning upon their head, and give them for sneering in a land of captivity!

4:5And you should not cover over their lawlessness; and their sin -- may it not be wiped away from your face. For they provoked you to anger before the ones building.

4:6And we built the wall, and all the wall was joined together unto the half of it. And the heart of the people became so as to construct.

4:7And it came to pass as Sanballat heard, (and Tobiah, and the Arabians, and the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites, that the development of the walls of Jerusalem ascended,) that they began to block up the gaps, that it appeared exceedingly wicked to them.

4:8And they gathered all together to come and to deploy against Jerusalem, and to do it for a delusion.

4:9And we prayed to our God, and we set an advance guard against them day and night, in front of them.

4:10And Judah said, The strength of the enemies is broken, and the dust is vast, and we shall not be able to build on the wall.

4:11And the ones afflicting us said, They shall not know, and they shall not see until whenever we should come into the midst of them, and should murder them, and should cause the work to cease.

4:12And it came to pass as the Jews living next to them came, that they said to us, They ascend from out of all the places that you returned from us.

4:13And I stood men in the lowermost place from behind the wall, in the protected places. And I stood the people according to peoples, with their broadswords, and their wooden spears, and their bows.

4:14And I beheld, and I rose up, and I spoke to the important ones, and to the commandants, and to the rest of the people, saying, You should not fear from their face. You should remember our great and fearful God, and deploy for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, and your wives, and your residences!

4:15And it came to pass when our enemies heard that it was made known to us, that God effaced their counsel, that we all returned to the wall, every man to his work.

4:16And it came to pass from that day, that half of the ones being arrayed did the work, and half of them resisted with lances, and shields, and bows, and chest plates; and the rulers were behind the whole house of Judah.

4:17The ones building on the wall, and the ones lifting things on their shoulders, did his work armed in one hand, and with one hand held the arrow.

4:18And the builders -- a man had his broadsword tied upon his loin, and they built. And the one trumpeting by the horn was next to me.

4:19And I said to the important ones, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, The work is spacious and vast, and we are dispersed upon the wall, with each man far from his brother.

4:20In the place where ever you should hear the sound of the horn, gather together there to us, and our God shall wage war for us.

4:21And we were doing the work, and the half of us were holding the lances from the ascending of the dawn until the coming out of the stars.

4:22And in that time I said to the people, Each one with his young one shall lodge in the midst of Jerusalem, and let an advance guard be to us in the night, and let the day be for work!

4:23And I was there, and my brethren, and the young men, and the men of the advance guard were behind me; and there was not of us a man being stripped of his own garments; a man and his weapons into the water.