The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 39

39:1Do you know the time of the birthing of the antelopes of the rock? And did you watch the birth pangs of hinds?

39:2And did you count their full months of birthing? and did you untie their birth pangs?

39:3And did you nourish their offspring outside of fear? and will you send away their birth pangs?

39:4Their young shall rip forth; they shall be multiplied in offspring; their young will go forth and in no way shall return to them.

39:5And who is the one letting the wild donkey free? and who untied his bonds?

39:6For I established for his habitation a wilderness, and the salt-flats for his tents.

39:7He ridicules the great multitude of the city, and hears not the complaint of the tribute-gatherer.

39:8He shall survey the mountains as his pasture, and he seeks after every green thing.

39:9And shall the unicorn be willing to serve to you, or to sleep at your stable?

39:10And will you tie his yoke with straps, or will he draw furrows in the plain?

39:11And do you rely upon him, because his strength is great? and will you slacken your works for him?

39:12And do you trust that he will give back to you the seed, and carry it into your threshing-floor?

39:13The wing delighting ostriches; but should the stork conceive and feathers?

39:14for she shall let her eggs go unto the earth, and she shall incubate upon the dust;

39:15and she forgot that the foot will disperse them, and the wild beasts of the field will trample them.

39:16She hardened against her offspring, so as to not bereave herself; in vain she tired without fear.

39:17For God quelled her wisdom, and portioned not to her with understanding.

39:18In time she will raise up high in height; she will ridicule the horse and his rider.

39:19Or did you invest the horse with power, or clothe his neck in fear?

39:20And did you invest in him full armor, and the glory of his breast in daring?

39:21He prances rooting up in the plain, and he goes forth into the plain in strength.

39:22He ridicules meeting up with spears, and in no way turns from an iron weapon.

39:23Against him prance the bow and sword;

39:24and in anger he shall obliterate the ground. In no way shall he trust until whenever the trumpet signifies;

39:25and with the trumpet signifying, he says, Well done! And at a distance he smells war with leaping and crying out.

39:26And from your higher knowledge does the hawk set having the look of effrontery with wings fixed looking down towards the south?

39:27And at your order does the eagle rise up high, and does the vulture sit lodged upon its nest,

39:28upon the prominence of the rock and is concealed?

39:29Being at that place he seeks grain; his eyes watch at a distance,

39:30and his young befoul themselves in blood; and where ever ones dying might be, immediately they are found.