The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Matthew 18

18:1In that hour the disciples came forward to Jesus, saying, Who then is greater in the kingdom of the heavens?

18:2And Jesus having called a child, stood it in the midst of them.

18:3And he said, Amen I say to you, If you should not turn and become as the children, in no way should you enter into the kingdom of the heavens.

18:4Whoever then humbles himself as this child, this one is the greater in the kingdom of the heavens.

18:5And who ever receives one such child in my name, receives me.

18:6And who ever should cause to stumble one of these small ones trusting in me, it would be advantageous to him that a millstone of a donkey should be hung upon his neck, and he should be sunk in the open sea.

18:7Woe to the world because of the obstacles; for it is a necessity for the obstacles to come. Except woe to that man through whom the obstacle comes.

18:8And if your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut them off, and throw them from you! It is good for you to enter into life lame or crippled, than having two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire.

18:9And if your eye stumbles you, take it out and cast it from you! It is good for you to enter one-eyed in life, than having two eyes to be thrown into the Gehenna of fire.

18:10See that you should not disdain one of these small ones! For I say to you, that their angels in the heavens continually look on the face of my father, the one in the heavens.

18:11For the son of man is come to save the lost.

18:12What do you think? If there should be to any man a hundred sheep, and one should wander from them, shall he not leave the ninety nine upon the mountains, and having gone seek the one wandering?

18:13And if it happens he finds it, amen I say to you, that he rejoices over it, rather than over the ninety nine not wandering.

18:14Thus it is not the will before your father, the one in the heavens, that one of these small ones should be lost.

18:15But if your brother should sin against you, go and reprove him between you and him alone! If he should hear you, you gain your brother.

18:16And if he should not hear, take with you still one or two, that by the mouth of two witnesses or three every matter shall be established!

18:17But if he should disregard them, speak to the assembly! And if also the assembly he should disregard, let him be to you as if a heathen and tax collector!

18:18Amen I say to you, as much as you should tie upon the earth, it will be tied in the heaven; and as much as you should untie upon the earth, it will be untied in the heaven.

18:19Again amen I say to you, that if two of you should join in harmony upon the earth concerning every matter of which ever they should ask, it shall happen to them by my father, the one in the heavens.

18:20For where there are two or three being gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.

18:21Then having come forward to him, Peter said, O Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him -- until seven times?

18:22Jesus says to him, Not I say to you unto seven times, but unto seventy times seven.

18:23On account of this likened is the kingdom of the heavens to a man, a king, who wants to take up a reckoning with his manservants.

18:24And he having begun to take up the matter, brings near to him one debtor of ten thousand talents.

18:25But he not having means to give back, his master bids him to be sold, and his wife, and the children, and all as much as he had, and to render back.

18:26Then the manservant falling, did obeisance to him, saying, O Lord, be lenient upon me! and I will give back all to you.

18:27And the master being moved with compassion on that manservant, released him, and forgave to him the debt.

18:28And going forth that manservant found one of his fellow-servants, who owed to him a hundred denarii, and having held him, choked him saying, Give back to me if anything you owe!

18:29Then his fellow-servant falling at his feet enjoined him, saying, Be lenient upon me, and I will give back to you!

18:30But he did not want to, but going forth he cast him into prison, until he should give back the thing being owed.

18:31And his fellow-servants knowing the things happening, fretted exceedingly. And having gone they made clear to their master all the things happening.

18:32Then his master having called him, says to him, O wicked manservant, all that debt I canceled to you, when you enjoined me;

18:33must you not also show mercy on your fellow-servant as also I showed mercy on you?

18:34And being provoked to anger, his master delivered him to the tormenters, until of which time he should give back all being owed to him.

18:35So also my heavenly father shall do to you if each forgives not his brother from your hearts of their transgressions.