The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 84

To the director; a psalm for the wine vats to the sons of Korah.

84:1How beloved are your tents, O lord of the forces.

84:2My soul longs after and falters for the courtyards of the lord. My heart and my flesh exulted over the living God.

84:3For even the sparrow finds for himself a house; and the turtle-dove a nest for herself, where she puts her own nestlings, even your altars, O lord of the forces, my king and my God.

84:4Blessed are the ones dwelling in your house; into the eons of the eons they shall praise you. PAUSE.

84:5Blessed is the man in whom is the assistance to him from you; in his heart he ordained ascending;

84:6into the valley of the place of weeping; into the place which he put himself. For even the one establishing law will give a blessing.

84:7They shall go from force to force; they shall see the God of gods in Zion.

84:8O lord, the God of the forces, listen to my prayer! Give ear, O God of Jacob! PAUSE.

84:9Behold O God our defender, and look into the face of your anointed one.

84:10For better is one day in your courtyards than thousands. I would choose to be thrown aside in the house of my God, rather than for me to live among the tents of sinners.

84:11For the lord loves mercy and truth. God shall give favor and glory. The lord will not deprive good things to the ones going in innocence.

84:12O lord, the God of the forces, blessed is the man hoping upon you.