The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 83

An ode of a psalm to Asaph.

83:1O God, who is likened to you? You should not keep quiet, nor soothe, O God.

83:2For behold, your enemies sounded, and the ones detesting you lift their head.

83:3Against your people they deal treacherously in design, and consult against your holy ones.

83:4They said, Come, for we should utterly destroy them from out of the nations; for in no way should the name of Israel be remembered any longer.

83:5For they consulted in concord together; against you they ordained a covenant;

83:6even the tents of the Edomites, and the Ishmaelites, Moab, and the Hagarites;

83:7Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the ones dwelling in Tyre.

83:8For even also Assyria came together with them; they became an assistance to the sons of Lot. PAUSE.

83:9Do to them as to Midian, and to Sisera; as to Jabin at the rushing stream Kishon!

83:10They were utterly destroyed in En-dor. They became as dung for the earth.

83:11Make their rulers as Oreb and Zeeb, and Zebah and Zalmunna -- all their rulers!

83:12Who said, We should inherit the sanctuary of God for ourselves?

83:13O my God, make them as a whirlwind; as stubble against the face of the wind!

83:14as fire which shall burn up a forest; as a flame which incinerates mountains.

83:15So shall you pursue them with your gale; and in your anger you shall disturb them.

83:16Fill their faces with dishonor! and they shall seek your name, O lord.

83:17Let them be shamed and disturbed into the eon of the eon! And let them feel remorse and be destroyed!

83:18And let them know that the name to you is, the lord! You alone are highest over all the earth.