The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Hebrews 4

4:1We should fear then, lest at any time, being left behind of the promise to enter into his rest, any of you should seem to fail.

4:2For even we are being announced good news, just as those also; but the word of the report did not benefit those, not being mixed together in the belief to the ones having heard.

4:3For we entering into the rest, the ones having believed, as he has said, As I swore by an oath in my wrath, Shall they enter into my rest, no; and yet the works from the founding of the world were taking place.

4:4For he has said somewhere concerning the seventh day, thus, And God rested in the seventh day from all his works.

4:5And in this place again, Shall they enter into my rest, no.

4:6Since then it leaves some to enter into it, and the ones prior having been announced, did not enter because of disobedience;

4:7again a certain day he confirms, Today, saying in David, after so great a time, as it has been said, Today, if you should hearken to his voice, you should not harden your hearts.

4:8For if Joshua gave them rest, then he would not speak concerning another day after these things.

4:9Then there is left a Sabbath rest to the people of God.

4:10For the one entering into his rest, himself also rested from his works, as God from his own.

4:11We should hurry then to enter into that rest, lest anyone should fall in the same example of disobedience.

4:12For the word of God is living, and active, and sharper than any double-edged sword, and penetrating as far as the distribution of both soul and spirit, also of joints and marrows, and is a discerner of the thinking and reflections of the heart.

4:13And there is not a creation unapparent before him; but all are naked and laid bare to his eyes, to whom the reckoning is to us.

4:14Having then a great chief priest having gone through the heavens (Jesus the son of God,) let us keep the confession.

4:15For not do we have a chief priest not being able to sympathize in our weaknesses, but one having been tested in all things according to our likeness, separate from sin.

4:16Let us come forward then with confidence to the throne of favor, that we should receive mercy, and should find favor for opportune help.