The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Numbers 9

9:1And the lord spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the second year of their coming forth from out of the land of Egypt, in the first month, saying,

9:2Speak! And let the sons of Israel prepare the passover according to its season!

9:3On the fourteenth day of the first month towards evening you shall observe it; according to its time, according to its law, and according to the interpretation given for it you shall observe it.

9:4And Moses spoke to the sons of Israel, to observe the passover,

9:5commencing on the fourteenth day of the month in the wilderness of Sinai. As the lord gave orders to Moses, thus the sons of Israel did.

9:6And men came, the ones who were unclean by reason of touching a dead soul of a man, and they were not able to observe the passover in that day. And they came forward before Moses and Aaron on that day.

9:7And those men said to them, We are unclean by reason of the dead soul of a man. Are we then lacking so as to bring the gift to the lord according to its time in the midst of the sons of Israel?

9:8And Moses said to them, Stand there and I will hear what the lord gives charge concerning you.

9:9And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,

9:10Speak to the sons of Israel! saying, A man, a man who ever becomes unclean by reason of a dead soul of a man, or on a journey far from you, even among your generations, he shall observe the passover to the lord.

9:11In the second month, on the fourteenth day towards evening, they shall prepare it; upon unleavened breads and bitter herbs they shall eat it.

9:12They shall not leave behind any of it into the morning, and they shall not break a bone of it. According to the law of the passover they shall observe it.

9:13And the man who ever might be clean, and is not on a journey far away, and should lack to observe the passovers, that soul shall be utterly destroyed from its people, because the gift to the lord he did not offer according to its time; that man shall take his sin.

9:14But if a foreigner should come forward to you in your land, and would observe the passover to the lord, then according to the law of the passover, and according to its arrangement, thus he shall observe it. There will be one law to you, both to the foreigner, and to the native born of the land.

9:15And in the day which the tent was set up the cloud covered the tent -- the house of the testimony. And in the evening there was upon the tent as a form of fire until morning.

9:16So it was always. The cloud covered it by day, and the form of fire by the night.

9:17And when the cloud ascended from the tent, then after this the sons of Israel departed. And in the place where ever the cloud stopped, there the sons of Israel camped.

9:18By order of the lord the sons of Israel shall camp, and by order of the lord they shall depart. All the days in which the cloud shadowed over the tent, the sons of Israel shall camp.

9:19And whenever the cloud should be dragged upon the tent for many days, that the sons of Israel shall guard the watch of the lord, and in no way shall they lift away.

9:20And it shall be whenever the cloud should become a number of days upon the tent; by the voice of the lord they shall camp, and by order of the lord they shall depart.

9:21And it shall be whenever the cloud should be present from evening until morning, and the cloud should ascend in the morning, then they shall depart by day or night,

9:22or when being more than a month of days of the cloud shadowing upon it, the sons of Israel shall camp, and in no way shall they depart.

9:23For by order of the lord they shall depart. They guarded the watch of the lord by order of the lord by the hand of Moses.