The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 116


116:1I loved that shall listen to the lord the voice of my supplication.

116:2For he leaned his ear to me; and during my days I shall call upon him.

116:3The pangs of death compassed me; the dangers of Hades found me; I found affliction and grief.

116:4And the name of the lord I called upon. O lord rescue my soul!

116:5The lord is merciful and just; and our God shows mercy.

116:6The lord is the one guarding the infants. I was humbled, and he delivered me.

116:7Return, O my soul, to your rest! for the lord benefited you.

116:8For he rescued my soul from out of death; my eyes from tears, and my feet from a slip.

116:9I should be well-pleasing before the lord in the place of the living.

116:10I trusted, therefore I spoke; but I was humbled exceedingly.

116:11And I said in my change of state, Every man is a liar.

116:12What shall I recompense to the lord for all which he recompensed to me?

116:13The cup of deliverance I shall take; and the name of the lord I shall call upon.

116:14My vows to the lord I will render before all his people.

116:15Esteemed before the lord is the death of his sacred ones.

116:16O lord I am your servant; I am your servant, and a son of your maidservant. You tore up my bonds.

116:17To you I shall sacrifice a sacrifice of praise, and I will call in the name of the lord.

116:18I will render my vows to the lord before all his people,

116:19in the courtyards of the house of the lord, in the midst of you, Jerusalem.