The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 24

24:1And the word of the lord came to me in the ninth year, in the tenth month, tenth of the month, saying,

24:2O son of man, write for yourself the name of the day from this day, from which the king of Babylon fastened upon Jerusalem, even from today's day!

24:3And speak a parable against the rebelling house! And you shall say to them, Thus says Adonai the lord; Set up the kettle! Set up and pour water into it!

24:4And put into it its pieces! every good piece -- the leg, and shoulder, tearing off the flesh from the bones,

24:5having taken from choice cattle, then fire up the bones underneath them; boiled erupted and cooked are her bones in her midst.

24:6On account of this, thus says Adonai the lord; O city of bloodshed, a kettle in which there is poison in it, and the poison did not come forth out of her; they brought forth by her limb; a lot fell not unto her.

24:7For her blood became in her midst; upon a smooth rock I arranged it; I have not poured it upon the ground to cover earth upon it.

24:8But to let rage ascend for a punishment, to be punished I put her blood upon a smooth rock, so as to not cover it.

24:9On account of this, thus says Adonai the lord; Woe, O city of blood, I also shall magnify the firebrand,

24:10and I will multiply the wood, and kindle the fire, so that the meats should melt away, and the broth should be lessened, and the bones shall be parched;

24:11and it should stand upon her coals, so that it should be burnt through and her brass utensils should be heated, and her uncleanness should melt away in the midst of her, and her poison should fail,

24:12and in no way shall there come forth from out of her much of her poison.

24:13Her poison shall be a disgrace in the boiling of your uncleanness, and because you were defiled yourself, and you were not cleansed from your uncleanness, then what if you should not be cleansed any more until of which time I shall fill up my rage in you?

24:14I the lord have spoken, and it shall come, and I will do; I will not warn nor show mercy, and in no way will I comfort; according to your ways, and according to your thoughts I will judge you, says Adonai the lord.

24:15And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

24:16O son of man, behold, I take from you the desirable things of your eyes in battle array; but in no way shall you beat your chest, nor in any way shall you weep, nor in any way should tears come to you.

24:17You shall moan being silent; it is a moaning of bloodshed of a loin; you shall not make a mourning for mankind. The hair on your head shall not be braided upon you, and your sandals shall be on your feet; and in no way shall you be comforted by their lips, and the bread of men in no way shall you eat.

24:18And I spoke to the people in the morning, in which manner he gave charge to me. And my wife died at evening. And I did in the morning in which manner orders were given to me.

24:19And the people said to me, Will you not report to us what these things are which you do?

24:20And I said to them, The word of the lord came to me, saying,

24:21Say to the house of Israel! Thus says Adonai the lord; Behold, I will profane my holy places, the neighing of your strength, the desirable things of your eyes, and for what your souls spare; and your sons and your daughters whom you abandoned will fall by the broadsword.

24:22And you shall do in which manner I have done. From their mouth you shall not be comforted, and the bread of men you shall not eat.

24:23And your hair shall be upon your head, and your sandals on your feet; neither shall you lament, nor shall you weep; and you shall melt away in your iniquities, and each shall comfort his brother.

24:24And Ezekiel will be to you for a portent; and according to all as many things as he did you shall do. Whenever these things should come, then you shall realize that I am the lord.

24:25And you, O son of man, shall it not be in the day whenever I take their strength from them, the haughtiness of their boasting, the desirable things of their eyes, and the haughtiness of their soul, their sons, and their daughters,

24:26that in that day the one escaping shall come to you, to announce to you in your ears?

24:27In that day your mouth shall be opened wide to the one having escaped, and you shall speak, and in no way shall you be mute any longer. And you will be to them for a portent; and they shall realize that I am the lord.