The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 113


113:1Praise, O servants, the lord! Praise the name of the lord!

113:2May the name of the lord be for blessing from the present and unto the eon.

113:3From the dawn of the sun until the descent -- praiseworthy is the name of the lord.

113:4High above all the nations is the lord; upon the heavens is his glory.

113:5Who is as the lord our God? the one dwelling in high places,

113:6and inspecting the humble in the heaven, and in the earth.

113:7The one raising the poor from the earth, and elevating the needy from the dung;

113:8to set him with rulers, with rulers of his people.

113:9The one who settles the sterile woman in a house as a mother being glad with children.