The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 17

17:1The word against Damascus. Behold, Damascus shall be lifted from cities, and will be for a downfall;

17:2being left behind into the eon for a bed, and a resting for flocks, and there will not be one pursuing.

17:3And no longer shall there be a fortified place to take refuge there for Ephraim; and no longer a kingdom in Damascus, nor a remaining of the Syrians. For you are no better than the sons of Israel, even their glory; thus says the lord of Hosts.

17:4It shall be in that day an end of the glory of Jacob; and the plenty of his glory shall be shaken.

17:5And it shall be in which manner as if someone should gather a standing harvest, and should reap the grain of corn; and it shall be in which manner if someone should gather corn in a solid rock ravine;

17:6and as if stubble should be left behind in it, or as two or three olive stones elevated at the top of the tree, or four or five should be left behind upon their tender branches. Thus says the lord God of Israel.

17:7In that day man will be relying upon the one who made him, and his eyes shall look to the holy one of Israel.

17:8And in no way should they be relying upon the shrines, nor upon the works of their hands which they made with their fingers; and they shall not look to the trees, nor their abominations.

17:9In that day your cities shall be abandoned, in which manner the Amorites and the Hivites left before the face of the sons of Israel; and they shall be desolate places.

17:10Because you forsook the God your deliverer, even your God you remembered not. On account of this you shall plant an untrustworthy plant, and an untrustworthy seed.

17:11And in the day whenever you should plant, you shall be misled; but if you should sow by morning it shall bloom for a harvest in whatever day of inheritance; and as a father of a man, you shall choose by lot for your sons.

17:12Woe to the multitude of many nations; as a sea swelling up, so you shall be disturbed; and the sound of many nations shall sound as water.

17:13As much water many nations; as much water being brought by force; and he shall curse one to be far from them, and at a distance from them he shall pursue, as dust of mountains being winnowed before the wind, and as a cloud of dust being brought of a blast of the wheel.

17:14Towards evening there will be mourning; before morning, and he will not be. This is the portion of the ones despoiling us, and the inheritance to the ones having inherited us.