The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 16

16:1I will send a male lamb lording over the land; is not the mountain of the daughter of Zion a desolate rock?

16:2For you shall be as a young winged creature flying about being removed, O daughter of Moab; and thereupon, O Arnon.

16:3Much counsel, and also always make a protection for her mourning; they flee darkness at midday; they are startled; do not celebrate.

16:4The exiles of Moab shall sojourn with you; they will be a protection for you from the face of the one pursuing; for your alliance in war was lifted away, and the trampling ruler perished from the earth.

16:5And a throne shall be set right with mercy; and one shall sit upon it with truth in the tent of David, judging and inquiring of equity, and hastening righteousness.

16:6We heard the insult of Moab -- insulting exceedingly; the pride and his insult and his vehement anger; not so your divination.

16:7Moab shall shriek; for in the land of Moab all shall shriek. But among the ones dwelling Seth you shall meditate upon, and you shall not be ashamed.

16:8The plains of Heshbon shall mourn the grapevine of Sibmah. Swallowing down the nations, trampling her grapevines, unto Jazer in no way shall you join together. Wander the wilderness! The ones being sent from her were abandoned, for they passed over the sea.

16:9On account of this I shall weep as the one weeping of Jazer for the grapevine of Sibmah; Heshbon and Elealeh cast down your trees; for upon the harvest and upon the gathering of your crops I shall trample, and all shall fall.

16:10And gladness and the leap for joy shall be lifted away from the vineyards; and in your vineyards in no way shall they be glad; and in no way shall they tread wine in the wine-vats; for the vintage has been ceased.

16:11On account of this my belly shall sound as a harp for Moab, and you renewed the things within me as a wall.

16:12And it shall be for your feeling of shame (for Moab tired upon the shrines) that he shall enter unto the handmade things of hers so as to pray; and in no way should they be able to rescue her.

16:13This is the saying which the lord spoke against Moab.

16:14And now the lord spoke, saying, In three years, of the years of a hireling, the glory of Moab shall be dishonored in all the much richness; and very few shall be left behind, and not the important.