The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Proverbs 5

5:1O son, take heed to my wisdom, and set aside your ear to my words!

5:2that you should guard good insight. And perception of my lips I give charge to you. Give no heed to a vile woman!

5:3For honey drops from the lips of a harlot woman, which for a time fattens your throat.

5:4Afterwards however you shall find it more bitter than bile, and being more sharpened rather than a double-edged sword.

5:5For the feet of folly lead the ones dealing with her down unto Hades with death; and her tracks are not established;

5:6for she does not come by the ways of life; but her tracks are slippery, and not well-known.

5:7Now then, O son, hear me! and you should not do void works of my words.

5:8Make your way far from her! You should not approach to doors of her houses;

5:9that you should not let your means of life go to others, and your livelihood to the unmerciful;

5:10that strangers should not be filled with your strength, and your toils should enter into houses of strangers;

5:11and you shall be repenting at last when ever the flesh wears away from your body.

5:12And you shall say, O how I detested instruction, and my heart turned aside reproofs!

5:13I did not hear the voice of one correcting me and teaching me; nor did I set aside my ear.

5:14By little I came unto every evil in the midst of the assembly and congregation.

5:15O son, drink waters from your own receptacles, and the flow from your own wells!

5:16Let the waters overflow to you from out of your own spring; and into your own squares let your waters go along!

5:17Let it be existing to you alone, and let not a stranger partake with you!

5:18The spring of your water -- let it be to you in particular! and be glad with the wife of your youth!

5:19Let your hind of friendship, and your filly of favors, consort with you! and in particular let her be esteemed by you, and be with you at all time! For in this friendship you will be accommodated a great deal.

5:20Be not much with the strange woman, nor hold the one not your own in embraces!

5:21For the ways of a man are before the eyes of God, and he watches unto all his tracks.

5:22Unlawful deeds ensnare a man; and each is grasped by chains of ones own sins.

5:23This man comes to an end with the uninstructed; and from the abundance of his own sustenance was cast forth, and perished through folly.