The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Joel 3

3:1For behold, I in those days and in that time, whenever the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem shall return,

3:2I will gather all the nations, and I will lead them into the valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will litigate with them there for my people, and my inheritance Israel, whom I dispersed among the nations, even the one who divided my land.

3:3And they cast lots over my people; and gave the boys to harlots, and sold the young women for wine, and drank.

3:4And what are you to me, O Tyre and Sidon, and all Galilee of the Philistines? Do you recompense to me a recompense? or do you have resentment to me? Swiftly and quickly I will recompense your recompense upon your heads;

3:5because you took my silver and my gold, and the chosen things of mine; the good things you carried into your temples.

3:6And the sons of Judah, and the sons of Jerusalem you rendered to the sons of the Greeks, so that you should push them from out of their borders.

3:7And behold, I will awaken them from out of the place of which you rendered them there; and I will recompense your recompense onto your heads.

3:8And I will render your sons and your daughters into the hands of sons of Judah; and they shall render them into captivity, into a nation far at a distance, for the lord spoke.

3:9Proclaim these things among the nations! Sanctify a war! Awaken the warriors! Lead forward and ascend all men of war!

3:10Cut up your plows into broadswords, and your sickles into spears! Let the powerless say that, I am strong!

3:11Gather together and enter all nations round about! And gather together there! Let the gentle one be a warrior!

3:12Awaken and ascend all nations into the valley of Jehoshaphat! for there I will sit to separate all the nations round about.

3:13Send out sickles! for the gathering of the crops stands by. Enter in! Tread! for the wine vat is full. The wine-vats overflow, for their evils are multiplied.

3:14Sounds resounded in the valley of punishment, for the day of the lord is near in the valley of punishment.

3:15The sun and the moon shall darken, and the stars shall let down their brightness.

3:16But the lord shall shout aloud from Zion, and shall utter his voice from out of Jerusalem. And the heaven and the earth shall be shaken, but the lord shall spare his people, and shall strengthen the sons of Israel.

3:17And you shall know that I am the lord your God encamping in Zion, my holy mountain. And Jerusalem will be holy, and foreigners shall go through her no longer.

3:18And it will be in that day the mountains will trickle down sweetness, and the hills shall flow milk, and all the releases of Judah shall flow waters; and a spring shall come forth from out of the house of the lord, and it shall water the rushing stream of the rushes.

3:19Egypt will be for extinction, and Edom for a plain of extinction, because of iniquities of the sons of Judah, because they poured out blood of the just in their land.

3:20But Judea shall dwell into the eon, and Jerusalem for generations of generations.

3:21And I will require their blood, and no way acquit. And the lord shall encamp in Zion.