The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Jeremiah 10

10:1Hear the word of the lord! which he spoke to you, O house of Israel.

10:2Thus says the lord, Do not learn according to the ways of the nations! And from the signs of the heaven do not fear! for nations are fearing them.

10:3For the laws of the nations are vain. An idol is a tree being cut from out of the forest, the work of a fabricator, even a molten casting.

10:4It is being bedecked in silver and gold. By a hammer and nail they stiffen them,

10:5and they do not move. It is a silver turned piece -- they do not speak. Being lifted they shall be lifted, for they shall not mount themselves. You should not fear them, for in no way should they do evil, and there is no good in them.

10:6There is not one likened to you, O lord. Great are you, and great is your name in strength.

10:7Who shall not fear you, O king of nations? For to you it is becoming. For among all the wise of the nations, and among all their kingdoms, there is not one likened to you.

10:8At the same time they are foolish and unthinking. Their tree is a teacher of vanities.

10:9Amalgamated silver from Tarshish; gold shall come from Uphaz; and by the hand of goldsmiths they are all works of craftsmen. They shall put on them blue and purple.

10:11Thus you shall say to them, The gods who did not make the heaven and the earth let them be destroyed from the earth, and from beneath this heaven!

10:12The lord is the one making the earth by his strength; erecting the world by his wisdom; and by his intellect he stretched out the heaven,

10:13and the multitude of water in the heaven; and he led clouds from the end of the earth; he made lightnings for the rain, and he brought out winds from his treasuries.

10:14Every man was made moronish from knowledge; every goldsmith was disgraced over his carved idols; for they cast false in a furnace; there is no breath in them.

10:15They are vanities, mocking works. In the time of their visitation they shall be destroyed.

10:16Such is not the portion of Jacob, for the one shaping all things is he, and Israel is the rod of his inheritance -- the lord of forces is his name.

10:17He gathered his support from outside dwelling in choice vessels.

10:18For thus says the lord, Behold, I trip up the ones dwelling this land. And I will squeeze them out so that it should be found.

10:19Woe over your destruction, your wound is painful. And I said, Really this is my wound, and it overtook me.

10:20My tent is in miserable condition, it was destroyed; and all of my hide coverings were pulled apart. My sons and my sheep are no more; there is no more place for my tent, nor a place for my hide coverings.

10:21For the shepherds were unwise, and they do not seek the lord. On account of this all the sheep of the pasture comprehended not, and are dispersed.

10:22Behold there comes a sound of a report, and a great quake from out of the land of the north, to order the cities of Judah for extinction, and a bed for ostriches.

10:23I know, O lord, that the way of man is not his own; nor shall a man go and keep his goings straight.

10:24Correct us, O lord, only with equity, and not in rage! that you should not make us few.

10:25Pour out your rage upon the nations! the ones not knowing you; and upon kingdoms which called not upon your name. For they devoured Jacob, and completely consumed Israel, and made desolate his pasture.