The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ephesians 3

3:1For this favor, I Paul, the prisoner of the Christ Jesus, for of you of the nations,

3:2if indeed you heard the administration of the favor of God having been given to me towards you,

3:3that by revelation he made known to me the mystery (as I wrote beforehand a little,

3:4to which you are able reading to comprehend my understanding in the mystery of the Christ),

3:5which unto other generations was not made known to the sons of men, as now it was revealed to his holy apostles and prophets in spirit;

3:6for the nations to be joint-heirs, and joint-bodies, and joint-partners, of his promise in the Christ through the good news,

3:7of which I became servant according to the gift of the favor of God, the one given to me according to the energy of his power.

3:8To me the less than the least of all of the holy ones, was given this favor among the nations to announce good news -- the untraceable riches of the Christ,

3:9and to enlighten all as to what is the fellowship of the mystery of the thing being concealed from the eons by God, to the one having created all things through Jesus Christ,

3:10that should be made known now to the sovereignties and to the authorities among the heavenlies through the assembly, the multifarious wisdom of God,

3:11according to the intention of the eons, which he made in Christ Jesus our Lord;

3:12in whom we have an open manner and access in reliance through the belief of his.

3:13Therefore I ask not to tire in my afflictions for you, which is your glory.

3:14For this favor I bend my knees to the father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

3:15of whom every family in the heavens and upon earth is named,

3:16that he should give to you according to the riches of his glory, power to be fortified through his spirit, in the inside man;

3:17for the Christ to dwell through the belief in your hearts, in love being rooted and founded;

3:18that you should be competent to perceive with all the holy ones, what is the width and length and depth and height;

3:19and to know the love of the Christ which exceeds knowledge, that you should be filled in all the fullness of God.

3:20And to the one being able above all to do superabundantly what we ask or comprehend, according to the power operating in us,

3:21to him be the glory in the assembly in Christ Jesus, to all the generations of the eon of the eons. Amen.