The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Daniel 4

4:1Nebuchadnezzar the king to all the peoples, tribes, languages, to the ones dwelling in all the land; may peace be multiplied to you.

4:2The signs and the miracles which God the highest did with me is pleasing before me to announce to you.

4:3As of how great his signs, and as of how mighty his wonders. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his authority unto generation and generation.

4:4I Nebuchadnezzar was prospering in my house, and thriving upon my throne.

4:5I beheld a dream, and it threw me into fear. And I was disturbed upon my bed, and the visions of my head disturbed me.

4:6And by me was made a decree to bring in before me all the wise men of Babylon, so that the interpretation of the dream they should make known to me.

4:7And the enchanters magi astrologers Chaldeans entered. And the dream I told before them; and the interpretation of it they did not make known to me,

4:8until Daniel came, whose name was Belteshazzar (according to the name of my God) who has holy spirit of God within himself. And the dream I told before him.

4:9O Belteshazzar, ruler of the enchanters, whom knowing that holy spirit is in you, and concerning every mystery you are not powerless, hear the vision of my dream which I beheld, and the interpretation of it tell to me!

4:10And the visions of my head I viewed upon my bed. And behold, a tree was in the midst of the earth, and the height of it was great.

4:11The tree was magnified, and became strong, and its height came unto the heaven, and the extent of it into the ends of all the earth.

4:12Its leaves were beautiful, and its fruit abundant, and a nourishment for all was in it. And underneath it encamped the wild beasts, and in its branches dwelt the birds of the heaven; from out of it all flesh was nourished.

4:13I viewed in a vision of the night upon my bed, and behold, a sentinel, even a holy one from heaven came down.

4:14And he spoke out loud in strength, and thus he said, Cut down the tree, and pluck off his branches, and shake off his leaves, and scatter his fruit! Let the wild beasts be shaken away from beneath him, and the birds from his branches!

4:15Only the development of his roots in the earth allow! even with a bond of iron and brass, and in the tender shoots of grass in the outside; and in the dew of the heaven he shall lay down, and his portion with the wild beasts will be in the grass of the ground.

4:16His heart shall be changed from the ones of men, and the heart of a wild beast shall be given to him; and seven times shall change over him.

4:17The word is through the interpretation of a sentinel, and the saying of holy ones the response, that the ones living should know that the lord is the highest of the kingdom of men, and to whom ever it should seem good he shall give it, and he will raise up over it that which is in contempt of men.

4:18This dream I beheld, I the king, Nebuchadnezzar. And you, O Belteshazzar, tell the interpretation! for all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to manifest the interpretation of it to me. But you Daniel are able, for holy spirit of God is in you.

4:19Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, was rendered speechless for one hour, and his thoughts disturbed him. And the king answered and said, Belteshazzar, the dream and interpretation you hasten not! Belteshazzar answered and said, O lord, let be the dream to the ones detesting you, and the interpretation of it for your enemies!

4:20The tree which you beheld, the one magnified and strengthened, of which the height came unto the heaven, and the extent of it into all the earth,

4:21and its leaves flourishing, and its fruit abundant, and a nourishment to all by it, and underneath it dwelt the wild beasts, and in its branches encamped the birds of the heaven --

4:22You are, O king. For you were magnified and strengthened, and your greatness was magnified, and it came unto heaven, and your dominion unto the ends of the earth.

4:23And that the king beheld a sentinel, and a holy one coming down from the heaven, and he said, Pluck the tree, and destroy it; only the development of his roots in the earth allow! even with a bond of iron and brass; and in the tender shoots of grass in the outside, and in the dew of the heaven he shall lodge, and with wild beasts will be his portion, until of which time seven seasons should be changed over him.

4:24This is the interpretation of it, O king, and it is an interpretation of the highest which came upon my lord the king.

4:25And you shall be banished from men; and your dwelling will be with wild beasts; and grass as an ox they shall feed you, and from the dew of the heaven you shall lodge, and seven seasons shall change over you, until of which time you should know that the highest dominates the kingdom of men, and to whomever it seems good he will give it.

4:26And whereas they said, Allow the development of the roots of the tree in the ground; your kingdom abides to you from of which ever time you should know the heavenly authority.

4:27On account of this, O king, let my counsel please you, and ransom your sins by charities, and your iniquities by compassions on the needy! Perhaps it will be lenient to your transgressions.

4:28All these things came upon Nebuchadnezzar the king.

4:29After twelve months, upon the temple of his kingdom in Babylon while walking,

4:30the king responded, and said, Is not this Babylon the great, which I built for a house of royalty, by the might of my strength, for the honor of my glory?

4:31With the word being in the mouth of the king, a voice from heaven came, To you it is spoken, O king Nebuchadnezzar, your kingdom went from you.

4:32And from men they shall banish you, and with wild beasts your dwelling shall be, and grass as an ox they shall feed you, and seven seasons shall change over you, until of which time you shall know that the highest dominates the kingdom of men, and to whom ever it seems good to give it.

4:33In this hour the word was completed upon Nebuchadnezzar, and he was banished from men, and he ate grass as an ox, and from the dew of the heaven his body was dipped, until his hairs were enlarged as lions' hairs, and his fingernails as birds' claws.

4:34And after the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up my eyes unto heaven, and my senses returned unto me, and to the highest I blessed, and to the one living into the eons I praised and glorified. For his authority is an eternal authority, and his kingdom is unto generation and generation.

4:35And all the ones inhabiting the earth are considered as nothing; and according to his will he does among the force of the of heaven, and among the one dwelling the earth. And there is not one who shall act against his hand, and says to him, What did you do?

4:36At the same time my senses returned unto me, and I came into the honor of my kingdom, and my appearance returned to me, and my sovereigns and my great men sought me; and over my kingdom I was strengthened, and more extra greatness was added to me.

4:37Now then I Nebuchadnezzar praise and greatly exalt and glorify the king of heaven, for all his works are true, and his paths equitable, and all the ones going in pride he is able to humble.