The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 47

47:1Go down, sit upon the ground, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground! There is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans. For no longer shall you be added to be called tender and delicate.

47:2Take a millstone! Grind flour! Uncover your face covering! Expose the gray hairs! Uncover the legs! Be passed over the rivers!

47:3Your shame shall be uncovered; your scornings shall be shone forth; I will take the just one from you; no longer shall I deliver up to men.

47:4The one rescuing you -- the lord of Hosts is his name, the holy one of Israel.

47:5Sit being vexed! Enter into the darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans! No longer should you be called, the strength of a kingdom.

47:6I was provoked by my people. You defiled my inheritance. I gave them into your hand, but you did not grant mercy to them. You oppressed the old man by the yoke exceedingly.

47:7And you said, I will be ruling into the eon. You comprehended not these things in your heart, nor remembered the latter end.

47:8But now hear these things! O delicate one, O one sitting down, O one yielding. O one saying in her heart, I am, and there is not another; I shall not sit as a widow, nor shall I know bereavement.

47:9But now these two things shall come upon you suddenly in one day; childlessness and widowhood shall come suddenly upon you in your sorcery, in the strength of your enchantments -- exceedingly.

47:10In the hope of your wickedness, for you said, I am, and there is not another. Know that the understanding of these things and your harlotry will be shame to you! For you said in your heart, I am, and there is not another.

47:11And destruction shall come upon you. And in no way shall you know a cesspool is there, and you shall fall into it. And misery shall come upon you, and in no way shall you be able to be clean. And destruction shall come upon you suddenly, and in no way shall you know.

47:12Stand now! with your enchantments, and in the abundance of your sorcery! which you learned from your youth -- if you shall be able to derive benefit.

47:13You are tired in your counsels. Let the astrologers of the heaven stand indeed and deliver you! let the ones seeing the stars announce to you what is about to come upon you!

47:14Behold, all are as sticks upon a fire, they shall be incinerated, and in no way shall they rescue their soul from out of the flame. For you shall have coals of fire to sit by them;

47:15these shall be your help. You tired in the revolt from your youth. A man wanders by himself, but to you there will be no deliverance.