The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 46

46:1Bel fell, Dagon was broken. Their carved images became for the wild beasts; and cattle lift them being bound for a load, tiring, fainting,

46:2and hungering, not being able together; the ones who are not able to be delivered from war; but they themselves are led away as captives.

46:3Hear me, O house of Jacob, and all the rest of Israel! O ones being lifted from the belly, and being corrected from childhood

46:4until old age; I am, and until whenever you should become aged, I am. I endure you. I made, and I shall spare. I shall take up and I shall deliver you.

46:5To whom do you liken me? Behold cunningly contrive, O misleading ones!

46:6And the ones uniting in gold from a money bag, and silver in a yoke balance scale shall establish by weight; and ones hiring a goldsmith made handmade idols, and bowing they do obeisance to it.

46:7They lift it upon the shoulder, and they go. And if they put it upon its place, it remains. In no way shall it move, and who ever should yell to it, in no way shall it listen; in no way shall it deliver him from hurt.

46:8Remember these things and moan! Change your mind, O ones being misled! Turn in heart!

46:9Remember the things prior from the eon! For I am God, and there is no other besides me;

46:10announcing formerly the last things before their taking place, and are completed. And I said, All my counsel will stand, and all as much as I have planned I will do;

46:11calling the winged creature from the east, and from a land at a distance, for the things which I have planned. And indeed I spoke, and indeed I led. I created and I did. I led him, and I prospered his way.

46:12Hear me, O ones destroying the heart! O ones far from righteousness.

46:13I brought near my righteousness, in no way is it at a distance, and the deliverance the one by me, I will not be slow about; I have appointed in Zion deliverance to Israel for glory.