The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ecclesiastes 9

9:1As the just, and the wise, even their works are in the hand of God. Indeed even love, indeed even hatred, there is no man knowing all the things before them.

9:2Folly is in all things; there is one event to the just, and one to the impious; to the good and to the bad; and to the clean and to the unclean; and to the one sacrificing and to the one not sacrificing; as is the good, as is the one sinning; as the one swearing by an oath, as is the one fearing the oath.

9:3This evil is in all being done under the sun, for there is one event to all. And indeed the heart of the sons of man are filled with evil; and madness in their heart during their life, and after them they go to the dead.

9:4For someone who participates with all the living there is hope; for the living dog himself is good over the dead lion.

9:5For the living shall know that they shall die; but the dead are not knowing anything; and there is not a wage to them any longer, for their remembrance was forgotten.

9:6And indeed their love, and indeed their hatred, and indeed their zeal already perished; and there is no portion to them any longer into the eon, in all things being done under the sun.

9:7Come, eat with gladness of your bread, and drink your wine with a good heart! for already God thought well of your actions

9:8In every time let your garments be white, and let not oil be lacking upon your head!

9:9And behold life with the wife which you loved all the days of the life of your folly! the ones being given to you under the sun, all the days of the life of your folly. For it is your portion in your life, and in your effort wherein you made an effort under the sun.

9:10All as much as your hand should find to do, you do as is in your power; for there is no action, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in Hades, of where you should go there.

9:11I turned, and I beheld under the sun, that not to the light of foot is the race; and not to the mighty ones in battle; and indeed not to the wise is the bread; and indeed not to the discerning ones is the riches; and indeed not to the ones knowing favor; for a season and a meeting shall meet with them all.

9:12And indeed man does not know his season. As fishes being hunted with a hurtful casting-net, and as birds being hunted with a snare -- as them the sons of man shall be ensnared in an evil season, whenever it should fall upon them suddenly.

9:13And indeed this I beheld -- wisdom under the sun, and it is great to me.

9:14If there were a small city, and the men in it few; and there should come against it a great king, and he shall encircle it, and shall build against it great siege mounds;

9:15and there should be found in it a needy wise man; and he himself shall deliver the city in his wisdom; but man remembered not with that needy man.

9:16And I said, Wisdom is good over power. But the wisdom of the needy man is being treated with contempt, and his words are not being listened to.

9:17Words of the wise being at rest are heard above a cry of ones being in authority in follies.

9:18Wisdom is good over weapons of war; but one sinning shall destroy much goodness.