The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ecclesiastes 8

8:1A man's wisdom will lighten his countenance; and an impudent man's countenance will be detested.

8:2Watch the mouth of a king! even because of the word of the oath of God.

8:3You should not hurriedly go from his face. You should not stand in an evil matter, for what ever he wants, he does.

8:4As a king exercising authority, and who shall say to him, What do you do?

8:5The one keeping the commandment shall not know an evil matter. And the heart of the wise knows the time of judgment.

8:6For every thing there is a season and judgment; for knowledge of man is vast unto him.

8:7For there is not one knowing what shall be being; for as it will be, who shall announce to him?

8:8There is no man exercising authority over spirit to restrain with the spirit; and there is no exercising authority in the day of death; and there is no discharge in the day of battle; and impiety shall not preserve the thing for her.

8:9And all this I beheld; and I gave my heart to every action which I had done under the sun; the things, as much as a man exercises authority to a man to inflict evil on him.

8:10And then I beheld the impious being brought into the tombs, and from out of the holy place; and they went and were praised in the city, because they did thus. And indeed this is folly.

8:11Because there is no existing objection for the ones doing evil quickly, therefore by this the heart of the sons of man have full assurance in themselves to do evil.

8:12The one who sinned did evil from then, and of their duration. For also even I know that there is good to the ones fearing God, so that they should fear from in front of him.

8:13But it will not be good to the impious, and he shall not prolong his days which are as a shadow; for he is not fearing from before God.

8:14There is a folly which is done upon the earth; that there are just ones that attain unto them, as the action of the impious; and there are impious that attain to them, as the action of the just. I said that, Indeed also this is folly.

8:15And I praised with the gladness, because there is no good thing to man under the sun, were it not to eat, and to drink, and to be glad. And it will adhere to him in his effort all the days of his life, as God gave to him under the sun.

8:16Whereupon I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to behold the distraction being done upon the earth. For also at day and at night a person is not seeing sleep with his eyes.

8:17And I beheld all the actions of God, that man shall not be able to find out the action being done under the sun. As long as man should make an effort to seek, even he shall not find it. And indeed, as long as the wise should speak to know it, he shall not be able to find it. For all this I gave to my heart, and my heart beheld all this.