The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Exodus 25

25:1And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,

25:2Speak to the sons of Israel! And take to me first-fruits of all the things which seem good in the heart! You shall take the first-fruits of mine.

25:3And this is the first-fruit which you shall take of them -- gold, silver, brass,

25:4blue, purple, scarlet doubled up, and linen being twined, and hairs of goats,

25:5and skins of rams being dyed red, and skins of blue, and incorruptible wood,

25:6and oil for the giving light, incenses for the oil of the anointing, and for the composition of the incense,

25:7and stones of sardius, and stones for the carving for the shoulder-piece, and the foot length robe.

25:8And you shall make for me a sanctuary, and I will be seen by you.

25:9And you shall make for me according to all as much as I show you in the mountain -- the model of the tent, and the model of all the items of it -- even so shall you do.

25:10And you shall make an ark of testimony from out of incorruptible wood -- two cubits and a half the length, and a cubit and a half the width, and a cubit and a half the height.

25:11And you shall gild it with pure gold; from inside and from outside you shall gild it. And you shall make for it a waved border of gold, twisted round about.

25:12And you shall forge for it four rings of gold; and you shall place them upon the four sides, two rings upon the one side, and two rings upon the second side.

25:13And you shall make bearing poles from incorruptible wood, and you shall gild them with gold.

25:14And you shall bring the bearing poles into the rings, the ones on the sides of the ark, to lift the ark by them.

25:15In the rings of the ark of the covenant the bearing poles will be fixed.

25:16And you shall put into the ark the testimonies which ever I give to you.

25:17And you shall make an atonement-seat, a lid of pure gold; two cubits and a half is the length, and a cubit and a half the width.

25:18And you shall make two cherubim wrought in gold, and you shall place them at both of the sides of the atonement-seat.

25:19You shall make one cherub from out of this one side, and one cherub from out of the second side of the atonement-seat. Thus you shall make the two cherubim upon the two sides.

25:20The two cherubim will be stretching out the wings on top, overshadowing with their wings above the atonement-seat, and their faces to one another; the faces of the cherubim will be towards the atonement-seat.

25:21And you shall place the atonement-seat upon the ark from above. And into the ark you shall put the testimonies which I shall give to you.

25:22And I will be known to you from there, and I will speak to you from above the atonement-seat between the two cherubim being upon the ark of the testimony, according to all as much as I give charge to you for the sons of Israel.

25:23And you shall make a table of incorruptible woods, of two cubits being the length, and a cubit the breadth, and a cubit and a half the height.

25:24And you shall gild it in pure gold. And you shall make for it a twisted waved border of gold round about. And you shall make for it a rim of a palm width round about.

25:25And you shall make a twisted waved border on the rim round about.

25:26And you shall make for it four rings of gold, and you shall place the four rings upon the four parts of its feet under the rim.

25:27And the rings shall be for holders for the bearing poles, so as to lift the table.

25:28And you shall make the bearing poles from out of incorruptible woods. And you shall gild them with pure gold. And the table shall be lifted by them.

25:29And you shall make its saucers, and the incense pans, and the libation bowls, and the cups, in which you shall offer a libation in them; of pure gold you shall make them.

25:30And you shall place upon the table bread loaves face to face before me always.

25:31And you shall make a lamp-stand from out of pure gold; a turned piece you shall make the lamp-stand. Its stem, and the branches, and the basins, and the knobs, and the lilies will be of it.

25:32And six branches going forth sideways -- three branches of the lamp-stand from out of the one side, and three branches of the lamp-stand from the second side.

25:33And three basins being shaped nut-like on the one branch, with a knob and a lily; thus to the six branches of the ones going forth from out of the lamp-stand.

25:34And in the lamp-stand, four basins being shaped nut-like. To the one branch, the knobs, and its lilies.

25:35And the knob under the two branches from out of it, and a knob under the other two branches from out of it, thus to the six branches -- to the ones going forth from out of the lamp-stand.

25:36The knobs and the branches from out of it -- let them be entirely turned from out of one piece of pure gold.

25:37And you shall make its seven lamps. And you shall place its lamps. And they shall shine forth from the one before it.

25:38And its funnel, and its underparts from out of pure gold.

25:39A talent of pure gold you shall make all these items.

25:40See that you should make according to the impression being shown to you on the mountain!