The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 32

32:1And it took place in the twelfth year, in the twelfth month, day one of the month, the word of the lord came to me, saying,

32:2O son of man, take up a lamentation for Pharaoh king of Egypt! And you shall say to him, You were likened to a lion of nations, and as a dragon, the one in the sea. And you gored in your rivers, and disturbed water with your feet, and trampled your rivers.

32:3Thus says Adonai the lord; And I will put my net upon you by an assembly of many peoples; and I will lead you by my hook.

32:4And I will stretch you upon the earth; the plains shall be filled. And I shall set upon you all the birds of the heaven; and I will fill up by you all the wild beasts of all the earth.

32:5And I will put your flesh upon the mountains, and I will fill up ravines of your blood.

32:6And I will water the earth from your excrement; from your multitude upon the mountains I will fill up the ravines with you.

32:7And I will cover up the heaven in your being extinguished, and I will darken his stars; I will cover the sun by a cloud, and the moon -- in no way shall her light appear.

32:8All the things shining light in the heaven shall darken over you, and I will appoint darkness over your land, says the Lord the lord.

32:9And I will provoke to anger the heart of many peoples, whenever I lead you as a captivity into the nations, into a land which you knew not.

32:10And many nations shall be gloomy over you, and their kings shall be amazed by a change of state in the flying of my broadsword unto their faces, the ones waiting for their downfall from the day of your downfall.

32:11For thus says the Lord the lord; The broadsword of the king of Babylon shall come upon you.

32:12With swords of giants even I shall throw down your strength, pestilent ones from all nations. And they shall destroy the insolence of Egypt, and all her strength shall be broken.

32:13And I will destroy all her cattle from great water; and in no way shall a foot of man disturb it any more; and the track of cattle in no way shall trample it.

32:14Then shall their waters be still, and their rivers shall go forth as oil, says Adonai the lord.

32:15Whenever I shall give Egypt unto destruction, and the land shall be made desolate with the fullness of it; whenever I shall scatter all the ones dwelling in it, even they shall know that I am the lord.

32:16There is a lamentation and they shall lament it; and the daughters of the nations shall lament it over Egypt; and over all her strength they shall lament her, says the Lord the lord.

32:17And it happened in the twelfth year, in the fifteenth of the month, the word of the lord came to me saying,

32:18O son of man, lament over the multitude of Egypt, for the daughters shall bring her down; even the nations dead into the depths of the earth, to the ones going down into the pit.

32:19From good-looking waters descend and sleep with the uncircumcised!

32:20Among the midst of ones slain by sword they shall fall with him, and all of his strength shall sleep.

32:21And the giants shall say to you, into the depth of the pit you are not best; you go down and sleep with uncircumcised! in the midst of the ones slain by the sword.

32:22There is Assyria and all his gathering around his grave; all slain having fallen by the sword;

32:23the ones given his graves in the sides of the pit, and his gathering existed surrounding his tomb. All the slain having fallen by the sword, the ones giving them fear upon the land of life.

32:24There is Elam and all his force surrounding his tomb; all the slain having fallen by the sword, and the ones going down uncircumcised into the depth of the earth, the ones putting the fear of them upon the land of life; and they took their torment with the ones going down into the pit.

32:25In the midst of the slain.

32:26There they put Meshech and Tubal, and all his strength surrounding his tomb; all his slain ones, all the uncircumcised ones, slain ones by the sword, the ones putting their fear upon the land of life.

32:27And they sleep with the giants having fallen from the eon, the ones who went down into Hades with weapons of warfare; and they put their swords under their heads, and their lawless deeds came upon their bones, for they were frightened giants during their life.

32:28And you shall be destroyed in the midst of the uncircumcised, and shall sleep with the ones being slain by sword.

32:29There is Edom and her kings, and all the rulers. Assyria, the ones giving their strength to the wound of the sword; these sleep with the slain, with the ones going down into the pit.

32:30There are the rulers of the north, all these, all the commandants of Assyria, the ones going down with the slain, with the fear of them. And in their strength being ashamed they sleep uncircumcised with ones slain of the sword; and they carry away their torment with the ones going down into the pit.

32:31Those king Pharaoh shall see, and he shall be comforted over all their strength. Slain by the sword, Pharaoh and all his force, says the Lord the lord.

32:32For I have put the fear of him upon the land of life; yet he shall sleep in the midst of the uncircumcised with ones slain by the sword, even Pharaoh, and all his multitude, says the Lord the lord.