The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 33

33:1And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

33:2O son of man, speak to the sons of your people, and you shall say to them, The land upon which ever I bring the broadsword, that the people of the land should take one man from out of them, and put him for themselves as a watchman.

33:3And if one should behold the broadsword coming upon the land, and he should trump the trumpet, and should signify to the people,

33:4and the one hearing shall hear the sound of the trumpet, and should not take guard, and the broadsword comes and overtakes him, his blood shall be upon his own head.

33:5For hearing the sound of the trumpet he did not take guard; his blood shall be upon him. But this one that guarded rescued his life.

33:6And the watchman, if he should behold the broadsword coming, and should not signify by the trumpet, and the people should not take guard; and coming, the broadsword should take from out of them a soul, this soul is taken on account of its lawlessness, but the blood of the hand of the watchman I will require.

33:7And you, O son of man, I have appointed you as watchman to the house of Israel, and you shall hear a word from out of my mouth, and you shall announce to them from me.

33:8And in my saying to the sinner, To death you shall die; and you should not speak to guard the impious from his way, he, the lawless one, shall die of his lawlessness, but his blood I will require of your hand.

33:9But you, if you should forewarn the impious of his way to turn from it, and he should not turn from his way, this one shall die in his impiety; but you rescued your own soul.

33:10And you, O son of man, say to the house of Israel! Thus you spoke, saying, Our delusions and our lawless deeds are upon us, and in them we melt away, and how then shall we live?

33:11Say to them! As I live, says Adonai the lord, I do not want the death of the impious, but as for the impious to turn from his way, and for him to live. By turning you turn from your evil way! For why do you die, O house of Israel?

33:12And you O son of man, say to the sons of your people! The righteousness of the just in no way should rescue him, in which ever day he should wander. And the lawlessness of the impious in no way shall afflict him in which ever day he should turn from his lawlessness. But the just no way shall be able to be delivered in the day of his sin.

33:13In my saying to the righteous that he shall live to life; and this one has relied upon his righteousness, and should commit lawlessness, all his righteousness in no way shall be called to mind; in his iniquity in which he committed, in it he shall die.

33:14And in my saying to the impious, To death you shall be put to death; and he shall turn from his sin, and shall execute equity and righteousness,

33:15and he should give back collateral, and he should pay back for any seizures, and he should travel in the orders of life, to not do unjustly; to life he shall live, and in no way shall he die.

33:16All his sins which he sinned in no way shall be called to mind, for he observed equity and righteousness; by them he shall live.

33:17And the sons of your people shall say, the way of the lord is not right; but this, their way is not right.

33:18In the turning of the righteous from his righteousness, and he should commit lawless deeds, he shall die in them.

33:19And in the sinner turning from his lawlessness, and should observe equity and righteousness; by them he shall live.

33:20And you said, The way of the lord is not straight. I will judge you O house of Israel each by his ways.

33:21And it came to pass in the twelfth year, in the tenth month, the fifth of the month of our captivity, there came to me one having escaped from Jerusalem, saying, the city is captured.

33:22And the hand of the lord came upon me at evening before he came; and he opened my mouth as he came to me in the morning; and in opening my mouth it was not held together any longer.

33:23And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

33:24O son of man, the ones inhabiting the places being made desolate upon the land of Israel, speaking they say, Abraham was one, and he held down the land; and we, we are many; the land was given to us for a possession.

33:25On account of this say to them! Thus says the Lord the lord; Since you chew upon food with blood, and lift your eyes unto your abominations, and you pour out blood -- then shall you inherit the land?

33:26And you stood with your broadswords, you did loathsome things, and each tainted the wife of his neighbor -- then shall you inherit the land?

33:27Thus say to them! Thus says the Lord the lord; As I live, assuredly the ones in the places being made desolate shall fall by swords, and the ones upon the face of the plain shall be given to the wild beasts of the field for a thing to be devoured, and the ones behind the places being walled, and the ones in the caves I will kill by plague.

33:28And I will make the land a wilderness; and the insolence of her strength shall perish; and the mountains of Israel shall be made desolate on account of there not being anyone traveling through.

33:29And they shall know that I am the lord; and I will make their land wilderness, and it shall be made desolate on account of all their abominations which they did.

33:30And you, O son of man, the sons of your people, the ones speaking concerning you by the walls and in the gatehouses of the houses, and each speaks to his brother, saying, We should come together and should hear the goings forth from the lord.

33:31And they come to you as a people going with one another, and they sit down before you, and they hear your sayings, but in no way will they do them, for the lie is in their mouth, and their heart goes after their defilements.

33:32And should you become to them as the sound of a sweet sounding well-tuned psaltery, and they shall hear your words, but no way shall they do them.

33:33And when ever it should come to pass, they shall say, Behold, it is come; and they shall know that a prophet was in their midst.