The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 34

34:1And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

34:2O son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel! Prophesy, and say to the shepherds! Thus says the Lord the lord; O shepherds of Israel, shall the shepherds graze themselves? Do not the shepherds graze the sheep?

34:3Behold, you devour the milk, and the wool you put around yourselves, and the robust you slay, and my sheep you do not graze.

34:4The ones being weak you strengthen not, and the ill having a sickness you rejuvenated not, and the broken you did not bind up, and the one wandering you did not turn back, and the lost you did not seek after, and the strong you worked in trouble.

34:5And my sheep were scattered on account of there not being shepherds; and my sheep became for a thing devoured by all the wild beasts of the field.

34:6And my sheep were scattered in every mountain, and upon every high hill; and they were scattered upon the face of all the earth; and there was not one seeking after them, nor turning them back.

34:7On account of this, O shepherds, hear the word of the lord!

34:8As I live, says the Lord the lord, Assuredly instead my sheep became for plunder, and my sheep became for a thing to be devoured by all the wild beasts of the plain, because of there not being any shepherds; and the shepherds sought not after my sheep; and the shepherds grazed themselves, but my sheep they grazed not.

34:9On account of this, O shepherds, hear the word of the lord!

34:10Thus says the Lord the lord; Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I will require my sheep from out of their hands. And I will turn them away to not tend my sheep, and the shepherds shall not graze them any longer. And I shall rescue my sheep from out of their mouth, and they will not be themselves any longer for a thing devoured.

34:11For thus says the Lord the lord; Behold, I shall seek after my sheep, and I shall visit them.

34:12As if the shepherd seeks his flock in the day whenever there might be dimness and cloud in the midst of his sheep having been parted, so shall I seek after my sheep. And I will drive them away from every place of which they were scattered there, in the day of cloud and dimness.

34:13And I will lead them from out of the nations, and I will gather them from the regions, and I will bring them into their land, and I will graze them upon the mountains of Israel, and in the ravines, and in every dwelling of the land.

34:14I will graze them in good pasture on the high mountain of Israel, and their havens will be there. And they shall sleep there, and they shall rest in good luxury; and they shall graze in a plentiful pasture upon the mountains of Israel.

34:15I will graze my sheep, and I will rest them. Thus says the Lord the lord.

34:16The lost I will seek, and the one wandering I will return, and the one being broken I will bind, and the faltering I will strengthen, and the strong I will guard; and I will graze them with equity.

34:17And you, my sheep, thus says the Lord the lord; Behold, I separate between sheep and sheep, rams and he-goats.

34:18And is it not enough to you that you fed on the good pasture, and the rest of your pasture you trampled with your feet? and the place of water you drank, and the rest with your feet you disturbed?

34:19And my sheep fed on the things trampled by your feet; and they drank the disturbed water under your feet.

34:20On account of this, thus says the Lord the lord; Behold, I separate between the strong sheep and weak.

34:21With the sides and your shoulders you pushed away, and with your horns you gored, and all the faltering you squeezed out, until of which time you thrust them outside!

34:22And I will deliver my sheep, and no way should they be yet for plunder; and I will judge between ram to ram.

34:23And I shall raise up for them one shepherd; and he will tend them as my servant David. He will tend them, and he will be their shepherd.

34:24And I the lord will be to them for God, and my servant David in the midst of them a ruler. I the lord have spoken.

34:25And I will ordain with them a covenant of peace. And I will obliterate the ferocious wild beasts from the land; and they shall dwell in the wilderness, and shall sleep in the forests.

34:26And I will put them surrounding my mountain; and I will give rain according to its time -- a rain of blessing.

34:27And the trees, the ones in the plain will yield their fruit, and the earth shall yield her strength. And they shall dwell upon their land in a hope of peace. And they shall know that I am the lord in my breaking the chain of their yoke; and I will rescue them from out of the hand of the ones reducing them to slavery.

34:28And they shall not be any longer for plunder by the nations. And the wild beasts of the land no longer in any way shall eat them. And they shall dwell in hope, and there will not be one frightening them.

34:29And I will raise up to them a plant of peace, and no longer shall they be ones being destroyed by hunger upon the land; and in no way they shall bear any longer the scorning of nations.

34:30And they shall know that I am the lord their God with them, and they are my people, O house of Israel, says the Lord the lord.

34:31And you are my sheep; even sheep of my pasture -- you are men, and I am the lord your God, says the Lord the lord.